

Eric Wilson

  • Login: ericwilson
  • Registered on: 2010-05-13
  • Last connection: 2010-05-13


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21:49 Redmine Help: RE: Linking to a project overview page using a wiki-link?
nothing other than it being hard to remember and keep track of. My reasons for wanting to do it this way are pretty ... Eric Wilson
21:05 Redmine Help: RE: Linking to a project overview page using a wiki-link?
Doing an { {include(project_name:Wiki)} } resolves the errors I was getting but it still would be nice to be able to ... Eric Wilson
19:15 Redmine Help: RE: Linking to a project overview page using a wiki-link?
oops I guess that wasn't a very good way to describe my include, it shold read:
"Also, as a workaround I went ahea...
Eric Wilson
19:10 Redmine Help: Linking to a project overview page using a wiki-link?
I would like to easily cross reference to the overview page for other projects from within my wikis.
Preferably ...
Eric Wilson

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