

John Pisani

  • Login: john.pisani
  • IRC nick: jwp
  • Registered on: 2013-02-20
  • Last connection: 2017-07-16


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



02:38 Redmine Help: RE: Change default value of "inherit members" when new (sub)project made
+1 John Pisani


02:14 Redmine Feature #5220: Subcategories or multiple category tags or multi-select custom fields
+1. This would come in handy as long as existing values and to a lesser extent custom queries aren't adversely affect... John Pisani


04:37 Redmine Feature #12361: Mixed done ratio calculation mode
If Status isn't assigned a %, calculate from the child fields
John Pisani


23:51 Redmine Feature #16136: Automated Priority Updates
We've considered running a scheduled task over the back-end regularly and implementing a soft rule internally to disc... John Pisani
23:51 Redmine Feature #16136 (New): Automated Priority Updates
We've started using Due Date as a way of determining priority and scheduling work within the team.
While Priority...
John Pisani
23:37 Redmine Feature #5490: Option for independent subtask priority/start date/due date/done ratio
+1 John Pisani


06:43 Redmine Defect #10048: Secondary sorting after sorting by parent task
Parent, Priority just ignores the latter.
John Pisani


04:09 Redmine Defect #5880: Only consider open subtasks when computing the priority of a parent issue
John Pisani

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