

Martin Studer

  • Login: mstuder
  • Registered on: 2013-07-12
  • Last connection: 2013-10-23


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



09:16 Redmine Help: Copying an issue leaves it in the closed state rather than switching to the default state
We're currently facing an issue where a closed issue that is copied ends up already in the closed state, although the... Martin Studer


10:02 Redmine Help: Thousands separator for custom fields
Is there a way to make use of thousand separators for custom fields? There are settings in the locale files lo...
Martin Studer
09:52 Redmine Defect #14450: Assignee field is cleared when validation fails
Right, we make use of the redmine_default_assign plugin. I guess that is causing the issue then. Martin Studer


11:22 Redmine Defect #14450: Assignee field is cleared when validation fails
We use custom fields which are defined to be mandatory. The following steps reproduce the problem:
* Create a new ...
Martin Studer


17:02 Redmine Defect #14450: Assignee field is cleared when validation fails
As a workaround, we also tried to make the "Assignee" field mandatory/required. But that didn't seem to work either: ... Martin Studer
16:40 Redmine Defect #14450 (Closed): Assignee field is cleared when validation fails
When creating a new issue and choosing an assignee but not choosing other mandatory fields, the assignee is cleared w... Martin Studer

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