


Redmine RESTful Interface

Added by Jim Mulholland over 16 years ago

I am breaking out Martin's and Pim's conversation out into its own topic because I think it is important and it took me a while to find it again in the "TimeToTicket" topic.

I agree that the lack of a RESTful interface is one of the biggest missing components of Redmine. I have noticed that JP has checked in a few updates to make some of his controllers more REST friendly. However, since this project was started prior to REST being the standard in Rails, I think there is still a lot of refactoring left to do before starting on working on a RESTful API. JP, please correct me if I am wrong.

With all of that being said, I think moving the project in this direction should be a high priority.

*RE: TimeToTicket - Added by Martin Herr*

Hi Pim,

I like your TimeToTicket application because it brings redmine on my mac desktop - great work!

But anyhow - I think external redmine-Clients should use an fully integrated Redmine-REST- or -Webservice-Interface and not bypassing redmines rights management by sending direct SQL commands.. sorry. but that's ugly. Don't get me wrong. Your application is great but the way it communicates with redmine is really old-fashioned and unsecure :(

Unfortunately my rails-skills aren't good enough to implement a solid webservice-interface. But Redmine needs this also for other topics (Mylyn-Connector, Customers posting tickets from a website,...):

    * #297
    * #568
    * #725
    * #784

@Pim: Have you ever thought about building a webservice/REST-Interface as Backend for your Fat-Client?

I think it's extremely important for Redmine to have an REST/Webservice-Interface, right now - to avoid people implementing workarounds.

    * How much time would it cost to implement a solid REST-Interface (full project-, ticket- and timetracking-control + rights management)?
    * How can we push that?
    * Do you need money for implementing it?
    * Is there somebody willing to implement it?

*RE: TimeToTicket - Added by Pim Snel*

I totally agree with you that the direct database calls are extremely ugly. I forgive myself because I primarly developed this for our own small company. I will surely implement a RESTful webservice interface but I don't want to use SOAP or XMLRPC at this moment. I'm waiting for the moment that ActiveResources will be available in the RubyCocoa framework. As soon as this happens I will remove this ugly workaround.

*RE: TimeToTicket - Added by Martin Herr*

Hey Pim,

thanks for your fast answer! Now, I can fully understand why you implemented TimeToTicket this way - even if we had a webservice interface on the redmine-side you couldn't have implemented it on the RubyCocoa-side.. :(

Keep on the great work on TimeToTicket!

Btw: What do you thing how time consuming it would be to implement a Webservice-Interface for Redmine (full project-, ticket- and timetracking-control + rights management)? 2-3 work days?


Replies (3)

RE: Redmine RESTful Interface - Added by Martin Herr over 16 years ago

Hey Jim,

+1 from me :) What do you think? How long would it take to do the "restful refactoring"?

@Jean-Philippe: What's your opinion? Should we collect some money and let somebody implement restfullness?

Btw. for the near future it could be a better idea to extend the app/apis/service_api.rb and use actionwebserivice.


RE: RE: Redmine RESTful Interface - Added by Markus Knittig over 16 years ago

I'm working on it. But I'm not that familar with RoR, so help would be appreciated...

RE: Redmine RESTful Interface - Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

I'm working on it. But I'm not that familar with RoR, so help would be appreciated...

Feel free to email me if you run into any difficulties. I know RoR and REST really good but don't have the time to dig in and implement it myself. If you use git, fork my GitHub repository and we can work together.

