


Redmine Install Mac 10.7.x with MySQL 5.5.x Problem

Added by Scott Selvia almost 13 years ago

I have walked through all of the forum docs on this issue and I cannot get past the rake db:migrate step. It is my understanding that the mysql gem does not support MySQL 5.5, so I have installed the mysql2 gem. When I execute the db:migrate step I am getting an error on the active record-mysql2-* not being installed. It says to do a gem install ... but when I perform that step it comes back with the gem not found.

Is this a rails version issue?

What is the solution for installing redmine with rails, mysql 5.5, on os x 10.7?

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine Install Mac 10.7.x with MySQL 5.5.x Problem - Added by Scott Selvia almost 13 years ago

Solved the problem by uninstalling the mysql gem and installing ruby-mysql. I had to reset my database.yml to use the mysql driver, I had tried the mysql2 when I could not get the mysql driver to work with the db migrate step.

RE: Redmine Install Mac 10.7.x with MySQL 5.5.x Problem - Added by Mc Billy Green almost 13 years ago

When installing from the package version, you should also install the MySQL Preference Pane, which will enable you to control the startup and execution of your MySQL server from System Preferences.[[]]
