


On HostGator shared; cannot start Rails app because of bundle issue.

Added by Ben Lei about 12 years ago

So I think I have everything setup correctly; I have removed pg and sqlite3 from the Gemfile in the redmine directory. I have done the session thing, migrated the db, etc (followed

So I tailed the mongrel.log and whenever I try to run redmine, I get the following error:

  • Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at log/ and log/mongrel.log for info.
    • Starting Mongrel listening at
    • Starting Rails with production environment...
      Some gems may need to be installed or updated.
      Please run `bundle install --without development test`.

My guess is because it somehow is still wanting to install pg and sqlite3 even after I removed it from the Gemfile. How do I fix this error? I can't install pg for some reason and even the staff says they're not allowed to on a shared host.

Replies (1)

RE: On HostGator shared; cannot start Rails app because of bundle issue. - Added by tom lanyon about 12 years ago

Hi Ben,

I'm in a similar place where I've successfully run all the required steps but it keeps reporting the 500, 503 errors.
I used as a guideline.
Were you able to find a solution?

For info: The command may help and avoid makig too much changes to your 'Gemfile': $bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite

