


Redmine 3.01 not available after reboot Ubuntu 14.04

Added by Anonymous about 9 years ago

I had a Redmine 3.0.1 website working great on an Ubuntu 14.04 VM. I then edited the yml file, simply adding a new email URL & port.


rebooted the VM and the service is not up.

I'm normally pretty good at googling my way through troubleshooting these things, but searching the web & forums only yields to start the apache or apache2 process or the bitnami process, none of which seem to be on my install.

What services do I need to bring up to get Redmine working again

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine 3.01 not available after reboot Ubuntu 14.04 - Added by Leonel Iturralde about 9 years ago

Have you tried to run redmine without apache2?
Did you install bitnami for ubuntu?

RE: Redmine 3.01 not available after reboot Ubuntu 14.04 - Added by Anonymous about 9 years ago

I installed Bitnami using the GUI installer called

Ok, I solved it, there is a located in the redmine folder.

/home/redmine/redmine-3.0.1-0/ start
/home/redmine/redmine-3.0.1-0/mysql/scripts/ : mysql started at port 3306
Syntax OK
/home/redmine/redmine-3.0.1-0/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started at port 8080
/home/redmine/redmine-3.0.1-0/subversion/scripts/ : subversion started at port 3690

In order to start it on boot, I created a bash script called redmine-boot-start

#! /bin/sh
# This starts up the Redmine Server


Then I ran:

sudo chmod a+x redmine-boot-start

sudo update-rc.d redmine-boot-start defaults
