


HELP! Installing/Upgrading Redmine on 32 bit Win2003 Server

Added by Richard Weinbaum over 9 years ago

I have a working Redmine installation (Redmine 1.2.2.stable) and I am attempting to upgrade to 2.6. Since I have no internet access on the server installed Redmine (succesfully) with Thin and Apache on a computer (win 7) WITH internet access using bundler. Then, I reviewed the gems installed on the laptop. At that point I started the upgrade on the server without internet access.

First I uninstalled the old Ruby (1.87). Then I installed a new version of Ruby 193, Ruby Developers kit, and MySQL 32 bit connector. I copied the relevant configuration files from the old redmine install directory to the new redmine install directory and then one by one I installed the gems that I had downloaded from i installed 45 gems. The same number as on my successful install. At that point I tried to start Thin. Unfortunately, I received the following error:
D:\Apache2.2.19\redmine-2.6.0>thin start
Using rack adapter
←[31mCould not find gem 'selenium-webdriver (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.←[0m
←[33mRun `bundle install` to install missing gems.←[0m

I would love to run bundle install but unfortunately, I cannot.

Note: I receive the same error when attempting to start webrick and if I run rake generate_secret_token.

selenium_webdriver was NOT one of the gems installed in the successful install I did via bundler, yet it seems to be required now. I am neither a Ruby or Redmine expert. I have searched the web for this error and I have not been able to find any matches.

I was thinking of upgrading using the Bitnami Stack for Windows, but am concerned that I would have difficulty upgrading the database from the old version.

Please help. Thank you so much!!