


Ability to Limit Tracker Assignment to Groups

Added by Shane Coronado over 7 years ago

Is there a way to limit what type of trackers get assigned to a Group? In our company, we want to mitigate certain trackers from being assigned to a Group. Right now, all trackers can be assigned to this particular Group, and we would like a way to filter that by permission. We utilize 3.3.0's Tracker role-based permission settings.

Replies (1)

RE: Ability to Limit Tracker Assignment to Groups - Added by Shane Coronado over 7 years ago

Edit 22/05/17: Utilizing 3.3.0's Role-based tracker permissioning, create a role that limits what trackers the role can view/add/edit and assign that role to the Group in all projects. Group can now no longer be assigned those prevented trackers.
