


Rest API for Activity

Added by Tomas Krejzek almost 5 years ago

Hi All,

I have integrated Redmine in our application. I use rest api for communication with redmine. And I want to add activity like -

Is there some api to get this set?

Thank you in advance

Best regards, Tom

Replies (3)

RE: Rest API for Activity - Added by Simeon Trifonov almost 5 years ago


I have the same problem. I use Rest API with python. I have a custom filed in the activities. This custom filed has different values for the different projects. When I access the resource "enumeration", I read always "none" for the value, which is probably expected, since it is not clear for which project is the requested value. I tried to access it via the resource "issue" (issue.project.time_entry_activities), but then such custom filed doesn't exist. I also tried to access it via the resource "project" (project.time_entry.activity, but the result was the same - custom filed does not exist. How can I read my custom filed in the activities?

RE: Rest API for Activity - Added by Tomas Krejzek almost 5 years ago


I'm not sure if it is the same issue.

Maybe I did not find /enumerations/time_entry_activities.xml - is api for evidence of the work on the issue (hours)

But I want to show in application the thread of communication between us and the current customer in tree like on web.

Best regards,

RE: Rest API for Activity - Added by Simeon Trifonov about 3 years ago

Is there anything new concerning this topic? I tried again to access the activities after a lot of new versions and I still have the same problems. I really need this possibility...
