


Problem with fetching Mails

Added by Roland ... about 15 years ago


I'm having a problem with receiving mails. My redmine version is 0.8.4.

I'm Fetching emails from an IMAP server like described here: RedmineReceivingEmails.

My rake process
rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" username= password=xxx

When I'm fetching a Mail, rake aboards in most cases with the error message "unexpected token CRLF". But the ticket is still created. Is there way to fetch a mail without an error?

Another Problem.
I want to send a mail with inline images to redmine and redmine creates a ticket the pictures in it. Is this possible?

Replies (1)

RE: Problem with fetching Mails - Added by Roland ... about 15 years ago

I solved the problem. I found some examples of mails in trunk/test/fixtures/mail_handler. I was just using the wrong syntax. Since I'm putting project: name, ... to the end of a mail, there is no problem anymore.
