


Time Tracker plugin

Added by Jérémie Delaitre over 14 years ago


I've written a little plugin, inspired by MyEffort plugin, to ease time tracking in Redmine.

Here is the description:

Time tracker is a redmine plugin to ease time tracking when working on an issue.
The plugin allows to start/stop a timer on a per user basis.

The time tracker is displayed in the 'account' menu bar.
To start the time tracker, the user must have the 'log time' permission. Then, the time tracker will display a 'start' link in the menu when an issue is shown.
If a tracker is running, the tracked issue id is displayed with the current spent time (updated every 5 secs). A 'stop' link is also available. When stopping the time tracker, the user is redirected to the standard timelog edit page with the 'hours' field filled with the timer value.
This way, we rely on existing and well known behaviours.

As mentionned before, the time tracker menu is updated periodically. This way, other browser tabs/windows will display the correct information.

I've added an entry in the plugin list with the usual information:

Please not that its my first ruby (and thus rails) code and I'm really not a web developper!
Feedbacks are greatly welcome (especially on code quality)!

Replies (31)

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Ivan Epifanov over 12 years ago

Hello. I've created a fork of this plugin on github (damn forums keep rejecting direct link as spam)
with support of multiple trackers and fast switching (kinda) between them.
It works for me, but, well, no guaranties.
(i'm new to ruby and rails, so fixes and criticism are welcome)

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Andrii Artemenko over 12 years ago


Thank you for your plugin! I like it :-)
I want to be able to stop the timer from the external application.
It is possible, use REST api?

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Jérémie Delaitre over 12 years ago

This is not supported...sorry.
I have neither time nor interest in this feature but you can still add a feature request on GitHub. Maybe one of the person who regularly contributes will be interested in it.

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Alex Guzun over 12 years ago

We are working on desktop app for time tracking (using api and compatible with v2), beta is done, give us some time, please

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Gary Ritchie over 12 years ago

+1 on this feature, with desktop app.

TimeSlotTracker is an opensource Java app that has Jira integration. I wonder if that could be extended to this Redmine Plugin.

RE: Time Tracker plugin - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago


I have developed a standalone time tracker for Redmine which uses the RestAPI.

Best regards
Frederick Thomssen
