



Feature #10252


Ability to choose a News date

Added by Yannick SAVANIER over 12 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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It would be great if one could actually set and modify a News creation date and not only use the last creation/modification day date.
It totally make sense when displaying a project's News directly into its inteface via the REST api.
We all frequently make mistakes and forget stuff and not being able to make things right (timelime speaking) is a bit frustating.

Anyway, thanks you for this great application :)


Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #5340: Make date/time of news editable during adding and during editingNew2010-04-16

Actions #1

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

I don't get it: since there is no quick publication process and since a News is published as soon as it's created, what's the point with changing it's publication date??

It's like allowing to change the issue author after it has been created, what's the point of changing the fact that it has been created by this user / at this time?

Actions #2

Updated by Yannick SAVANIER over 12 years ago


As I said the main purpose of being able to set a News date is simply to say to a reader "WHEN IT TOOKS PLACE" and not "WHEN SOMEONE CREATED IT".

Both dates are the same most of the time but the only date that matters in a News is the one which says when the event took place.

Actions #3

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

I'm sorry I still disagree.

If you publish, e.g., on February 16 a News to inform people that something has happened on February 15 then you'll include the date of February 15 in the message?

If the date was wrong, you can still edit the News and add a postscript?

Actions #4

Updated by Yannick SAVANIER over 12 years ago

The fact you have actually to include the date INTO the message forbid you to use it in a way to organize a timeline of events.
Nothing in the News parameters tell you the event's date, you have to search into the text the hypothetical presence of this information.

In the same way, telling people about an event that is going to happen 5 days before it happens (for example because you won't be here to tell them at the moment it happen) let the news be burried by news of event that happens meanwhile the due date.

Futhermore, when using the news REST api, if you actually want to show users the news feed ordered by the date of event or simply filter those events on their alleged proximity in time, you wont be able to do so.

Can you see my point ?

Actions #5

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

I guess so =)

Actions #6

Updated by Brice Beaumesnil over 12 years ago


it can be useful (same as feature 5340).

Actions #7

Updated by Yannick SAVANIER over 12 years ago

Etienne Massip wrote:

I guess so =)

Does this mean you agree to considerate it then ^^ ?

Actions #8

Updated by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago

Well, It is still open!

Actions #9

Updated by Yannick SAVANIER over 12 years ago

As is feature 5340 since 2 years now ^^;
I'm glad you answered for this one though :)

Actions #10

Updated by Francesco Iori over 3 years ago

well i guess it never happened

Actions #11

Updated by Yannick SAVANIER over 3 years ago

Indeed ^^;

As a result we switched our applications news feed to a XWiki Blog instance which allow us to specify the publishing date.

Cheers !


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