Feature #33648
openGet possible_values of custom fields for non-admin users
In #11159 support for getting the definition of custom fields was added to the API. This call is only available to admin users. Problem is for custom fields with List-Format (and I guess with KeyValuePairs), as a non-admin-user it's not possible to retrieve the "possible_values" or enumerate key-values.
I'm wondering if this could be added, maybe as an enhancement of #33301?
Updated by Johannes Bauer over 2 years ago
I'm having this exact issue and it pretty much renders key/value pairs useless. My data exports only contain internal IDs, which are completely meaningless. Over the Web interface there is obviously a way to retrieve which value is hidden behind an intenal ID, but there's no way to retrieve this via the API.
What this means is that when I export data over the REST API, I only get arbitrary database IDs (which may change when reinstalling a new instance). The only workaround for now is to not use these field types or to have a hard mapping somewhere that just magically 'knows' what database IDs correspond to which field value (yuck!).
It would be greatly appreciated if there were a way to retrieve what the actual value is (just dump them in the journals would work! no additional call needed) so that no admin privileges are needed.