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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
2576 Redmine Patch New Partially decouple application_helper.rb from Gravatar 2009-03-24 22:34 Actions
3901 Redmine Patch New Make length of short project description customizable 2009-09-23 08:46 Actions
7204 Redmine Patch New Caching of public pages, requested from anonymous users (10x - 20x speed improvements) 2011-01-10 00:49 Actions
8109 Redmine Patch New Support for global permissions in acts_as_attachable 2011-04-08 23:09 Actions
9319 Redmine Patch New Prevent passing :label option to HTML tag in TabularFormBuilder 2011-09-26 14:16 Actions
13068 Redmine Patch New Allow plugins to generate test coverage reports on MRI 1.9 2013-02-15 23:44 Actions
15390 Redmine Patch New Simple Redmine Sub-directory Support 2013-11-19 05:27 Actions
3754 Redmine Patch New add some additional URL paths to robots.txt 2015-02-04 20:35 Actions
21550 Redmine Patch Needs feedback New option in html redmine link parsing - attachments 2016-01-15 07:58 Actions
20124 Redmine Patch New Query option, The sql for field to allow groups option. 2016-02-18 15:17 Actions
26685 Redmine Patch New Check of child classes of all levels is added for Redmine::SubclassFactory::ClassMethods 2017-08-14 17:01 Actions
33211 Redmine Patch New Include block columns (ex: Description, Last notes) in CSV export when option "All columns" is selected 2021-03-28 19:53 Actions
36265 Redmine Patch New More flexible options for issue notifications 2021-12-01 10:27 Actions
36438 Redmine Patch New Support nulls first/last option for sorting order of custom queries 2022-01-17 13:41 Actions
251 Redmine Patch New Patch for Feature Request #9785 (Default issues due date == assigned target version date) 2022-03-10 21:19 Actions
37994 Redmine Patch New Unify link to user/group in application helper 2023-01-02 19:29 Actions
35536 Redmine Patch New Use webpack to improve javascripts and stylesheets management 2023-09-24 18:11 Actions
40221 Redmine Patch New Update wiki content related to how to create a custom theme 2024-02-16 05:49 Actions
42081 Redmine Patch New Copying following tasks 2025-01-08 10:07 Actions
42135 Redmine Patch New Enable GitHub Actions for testing and linting on stable branches 2025-01-30 10:13 Actions
1496 Redmine Feature New Save queries for any project 2008-06-18 21:53 Actions
1827 Redmine Feature New [wish] Add another notification option: insert it into the activity page or another one 2008-08-28 14:48 Actions
1858 Redmine Feature New Provide Resources for Webmasters without access to SSH/Shell 2008-09-04 23:52 Actions
1870 Redmine Feature New Show progress towards the nearest version in the sidebar 2008-09-08 16:34 Actions
277 Redmine Feature New Add mailing lists 2008-09-24 12:26 Actions
(1-25/4756) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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