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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
3274 Redmine Patch New Wiki Page Categories 2010-10-25 17:02 Wiki Actions
2750 Redmine Patch New Project tinyurl 2010-10-25 17:02 Projects Actions
4665 Redmine Patch New Projects not calling EnabledModule callbacks in some cases 2010-10-25 17:00 Projects Actions
6330 Redmine Patch New Hyperlinks with "%" or "!" at the end 2010-10-05 15:04 Wiki Actions
6053 Redmine Patch New Fixed issue list context menu overflow 2010-08-06 12:38 UI Actions
5829 Redmine Patch New show roadmap with child project issues. 2010-07-07 10:55 Roadmap Actions
5556 Redmine Patch New Display more projects in project jump box 2010-05-21 11:33 UI Actions
5554 Redmine Patch New Make links to various redmine objects more consistent 2010-05-19 14:56 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
5447 Redmine Patch New User status can not be changed with javascript disabled 2010-05-05 17:39 Accounts / authentication Actions
5389 Redmine Patch New Option redirect_to in UsersController#edit when a params :back is defined 2010-04-27 19:01 Accounts / authentication Actions
5119 Redmine Patch New "User group" custom field 2010-03-30 17:25 Custom fields Actions
5200 Redmine Patch New - LDAP Host as URI 2010-03-28 22:14 LDAP Actions
4662 Redmine Patch New Handled-mail should use set issue.assigned_to to the first "To" address 2010-03-22 22:18 Email receiving Actions
5065 Redmine Patch New Importing wiki with different encoding 2010-03-15 17:17 Importers Actions
2748 Redmine Patch New Improved Trac-Importer with subversion repository migration 2010-03-08 21:58 Importers Actions
4977 Redmine Patch New LDAP user cant change username and email 2010-03-03 17:30 LDAP Actions
4705 Redmine Patch New Allow selection of up to five fields in timelog report 2010-02-01 13:27 Time tracking Actions
4571 Redmine Patch New Allow labels for Redmine links 2010-01-13 15:40 Text formatting Actions
4535 Redmine Patch New Import Target Version from Mantis 2010-01-07 23:25 Importers Actions
2696 Redmine Patch New Add subcategory to category 2009-11-23 14:56 Issues Actions
1764 Redmine Patch New Add session_config option-stubs to environment-config 2009-11-23 02:34 Accounts / authentication Actions
3901 Redmine Patch New Make length of short project description customizable 2009-09-23 08:46 Actions
3803 Redmine Patch New Show custom user fields in csv export of time entry reports 2009-09-01 15:01 Time tracking Actions
3749 Redmine Patch New Wiki. TOC. The standardised anchors and admissible "fragment" part of URI. 2009-08-18 01:10 Wiki Actions
2114 Redmine Patch New Fixed Bugs in Importer Area 2009-07-16 16:45 Importers Actions
(4726-4750/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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