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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
40011 Redmine Defect New Email receiving problem closed issue is #39931 2024-01-31 10:22 Email receiving Actions
40121 Redmine Defect New InvalidCrossOriginRequest exception raised by automated pentests or malicous user 2024-01-29 15:03 Actions
39758 Redmine Defect Confirmed Some pages on are returning 500 Internal Server Error 2024-01-26 11:50 Website ( Actions
39856 Redmine Defect New Missing builtin groups on fresh install in Redmine 5 2024-01-21 18:38 Groups Actions
39493 Redmine Defect Confirmed Role with only :edit_own_issues no longer considered for workflow 2024-01-19 07:22 Issues workflow Actions
37394 Redmine Defect New uninitialized constant Redmine::WikiFormatting::CommonMark::HTML (NameError) 2024-01-02 18:04 Text formatting Actions
39734 Redmine Defect New Forums should allow for deletion of self created subjects/messages 2024-01-01 03:40 Website ( Actions
39803 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Plugin modules no longer working 2023-12-20 08:13 Actions
39883 Redmine Defect New Edge-cases in link parsing of links nested inside nested brackets 2023-12-20 03:52 Text formatting Actions
39876 Redmine Defect New H4 author headings aren't bold any more 2023-12-20 01:07 UI Actions
39877 Redmine Defect New Invalid reference in notes reply after deleting some journal-notes 2023-12-19 18:54 Issues Actions
39843 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Create a new task, the page does not jump after the task is submitted, and report 404 after 10-20 seconds. The actual task is created successfully. 2023-12-17 04:01 Actions
39836 Redmine Defect New Email to Issues is not working 2023-12-15 18:57 Email receiving Actions
39581 Redmine Defect New problem with link displaying 2023-12-07 15:37 Text formatting Actions
39559 Redmine Defect New Git commit linking to issue and time entry 2023-12-06 10:02 SCM Actions
39779 Redmine Defect New html_title and author line helper issues with usernames in Arabic script 2023-12-05 09:19 I18n Actions
39548 Redmine Defect New Internal Error reported when Viewing GIT repository 2023-12-01 01:39 SCM Actions
39232 Redmine Defect New Locked users in filters only visible to administrators 2023-11-30 04:16 Filters Actions
39587 Redmine Defect New Email configuration error 2023-11-21 01:57 Email notifications Actions
39586 Redmine Defect New Parent page list for selected project on rename page 2023-11-20 23:53 Wiki Actions
1175 Redmine Defect Confirmed Empty diff page for binary files 2023-11-17 08:46 SCM Actions
39538 Redmine Defect New Images and tables are not rendered correctly in the project list 2023-11-09 13:54 Project settings Actions
39535 Redmine Defect Needs feedback The three dots do not work 2023-11-08 20:23 Issues Actions
39532 Redmine Defect New Cant set opened parent issue for closed child issue 2023-11-08 10:18 Issues filter Actions
39505 Redmine Defect New redmine preview whether the image can be scaled with the mouse 2023-11-02 07:29 Actions
38968 Redmine Defect New Images not showing up when space(s) in filename 2023-10-23 04:34 Files Actions
38860 Redmine Defect New Issue create abnormally 2023-10-23 04:33 Issues Actions
38830 Redmine Defect New Installation of Redmine 5.0 with fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS stops at bundler install 2023-10-23 04:32 Gems support Actions
38341 Redmine Defect New send_reminders not working in Redmine 5.0.5 2023-10-23 04:24 Email notifications Actions
34046 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Escaping symbols in task subject can broke export to Gantt (PNG) 2023-10-12 20:31 Gantt Actions
39154 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Mailhandler 2023-10-09 09:01 Gems support Actions
39131 Redmine Defect New Problem when edit a issue and change the project 2023-10-04 22:37 Issues Actions
22861 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Allow themes to override responsive style sheet. 2023-09-28 09:58 Themes Actions
20769 Redmine Defect New Issues with formatting of == (equality operator) 2023-09-27 18:34 Text formatting Actions
38995 Redmine Defect New Redmine query is very slow after upgrading from MySql 5.7 to 8 2023-09-20 08:09 Database Actions
37000 Redmine Defect Confirmed Repositories are not displaying properly at 125% in Safari 15.4 2023-09-03 13:06 UI Actions
17071 Redmine Defect New Adding Watchers UX Is Not Clean 2023-08-29 04:13 Issues Actions
37584 Redmine Defect New Gantt PNG export fails (MiniMagick error) 2023-08-22 16:16 Actions
38880 Redmine Defect New Incorrect default value display on true/false custom field when editing issues 2023-08-09 03:55 Issues Actions
38932 Redmine Defect New User preferences API? 2023-08-08 12:46 REST API Actions
38859 Redmine Defect New Create a make self installer 2023-07-18 23:57 Roadmap Actions
38833 Redmine Defect New Alignment Issue with Custom Text Field in Redmine 2023-07-11 01:45 Custom fields Actions
38317 Redmine Defect New Redmine 5.0 stable Mention User function doesn't send mail notification 2023-07-04 10:50 Actions
38499 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Markdown cannot link to wiki pages with hyphen ("-") in their names 2023-06-30 10:38 Text formatting Actions
10233 Redmine Defect Confirmed "update issue" silently ignores "status" field if the user is not part of the project, but changes other fields 2023-06-27 06:15 REST API Actions
38186 Redmine Defect New Bulk Update from Context Menu in Parent Project Does Not Honor Redirect 2023-06-22 13:01 Issues Actions
38581 Redmine Defect New 2 different queries with the same fields on "My page" are not aligned 2023-06-22 12:26 My page Actions
13723 Redmine Defect Confirmed Collapse doesn't work with section edit link 2023-06-21 04:26 Text formatting Actions
10189 Redmine Defect New Inline image does not work with spaces in file name 2023-05-13 10:32 Text formatting Actions
6069 Redmine Defect New No Outgoing Mails when Customer creates Ticket via Mail 2023-05-12 10:02 Email notifications Actions
17830 Redmine Defect New User creation: clear/plaintext password sent via unencrypted email 2023-05-04 16:43 Security Actions
38514 Redmine Defect New Email Notifications: Email Notifications: trigger rspamd symbol for bad HELO 2023-05-03 16:14 Website ( Actions
38513 Redmine Defect New Email Notifications: case of MIME-Version header 2023-05-03 12:58 Email notifications Actions
31698 Redmine Defect New Some unlocalize string 2023-05-03 09:10 I18n Actions
6324 Redmine Defect New requires_redmine_plugin should defer loading plugins if not all dependencies are met 2023-04-25 00:31 Plugin API Actions
38342 Redmine Defect New URLs in outgoing emails get mutilated 2023-04-15 01:59 Email notifications Actions
34965 Redmine Defect New UnWatch ticket does not work thows 403 Forbidden when clicked 2023-04-13 08:33 UI Actions
38348 Redmine Defect New Redmine on Synology DSM7.2 2023-04-11 08:20 Administration Actions
38427 Redmine Defect New Index optimization in custom values table 2023-04-10 15:18 Database Actions
28033 Redmine Defect New Unable to turn off "For all projects" flag of custom queries 2023-04-09 06:18 Issues Actions
38383 Redmine Defect New Cant upload Plugin 2023-03-28 10:00 Plugin Request Actions
38376 Redmine Defect New WEBAPI - Create project with custom fields 2023-03-24 22:18 Projects Actions
38371 Redmine Defect New Where is demo version?? 2023-03-22 00:39 Website ( Actions
25049 Redmine Defect New Issues which are assigned to group are not listed in reminders if 'users' parameter is specified 2023-03-16 03:12 Email notifications Actions
38305 Redmine Defect New Exported Pdf cannt set emoji 2023-03-03 03:34 PDF export Actions
38322 Redmine Defect New Developer Guide - Redmine API 2023-03-02 21:11 Documentation Actions
38230 Redmine Defect New Help page FrRedmine - 2023-03-01 09:26 Website ( Actions
38253 Redmine Defect New Cannot read e-mails fo creating tickets 2023-02-07 17:57 Email receiving Actions
29094 Redmine Defect New Email reply looses indentation in pre-block 2023-02-07 04:11 Email receiving Actions
38249 Redmine Defect New Redmine server freeze sometimes and seemingly for no reasons 2023-02-06 11:26 Performance Actions
38177 Redmine Defect New Authentification oauth2 2023-01-26 16:43 Email notifications Actions
13758 Redmine Defect New Issue Filtering 'Assignee = <<me>>' shows group issues, but 'Assignee = Bob' does not 2023-01-25 10:01 Issues Actions
38184 Redmine Defect New Production ready database back-ends - wiki update 2023-01-16 11:08 Documentation Actions
38161 Redmine Defect New Can't make vertical splited view in "My Page" 2023-01-10 08:13 UI Actions
37986 Redmine Defect New postgresql 15: additional steps required while initializing database 2023-01-08 09:15 Documentation Actions
37165 Redmine Defect New Can not get anonymous user using User.find 2023-01-05 12:34 Actions
28069 Redmine Defect New Queries 403 error if query author is not in the roles list 2023-01-04 05:57 Issues Actions
18557 Redmine Defect New Hyperlink stripped from the text-html mimepart section of email footer 2022-12-22 09:43 Email notifications Actions
27902 Redmine Defect New Overview page is very slow for private projects with large number of members 2022-12-22 07:26 Actions
38055 Redmine Defect Confirmed Inconsistent results for filtering issues containing custom fields 2022-12-18 09:25 Filters Actions
15676 Redmine Defect New "Latest" revisions on repository view is confused 2022-12-17 06:35 SCM Actions
31815 Redmine Defect Needs feedback After edition document's attachment redirecting to home page 2022-12-13 21:33 Attachments Actions
32420 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Issue redirect after login not working 2022-12-13 14:39 Actions
36864 Redmine Defect New Email can't be dragged into Redmine 4.2.3 2022-12-13 11:31 Issues Actions
37007 Redmine Defect New Switching project in "New Issue" shows wrong fields and uses disallowed default tracker 2022-12-13 11:04 Issues permissions Actions
37038 Redmine Defect New Email notifications error 2022-12-13 10:57 Email notifications Actions
38023 Redmine Defect New Model hook: model_project_copy_before_save misses options[:only] 2022-12-08 12:09 Projects Actions
23651 Redmine Defect New Closed projects are listed in main quick jump box 2022-12-01 13:39 Projects Actions
37962 Redmine Defect New Missing where cause for allowed_to_condition 2022-12-01 09:56 Performance Actions
11077 Redmine Defect New After migrating from Mantis to RedMine 2.0 and changing tracker labels, almost all issues deleted 2022-11-18 06:12 Importers Actions
37921 Redmine Defect New impossible to receive a request from an external email 2022-11-10 13:38 Email receiving Actions
37735 Redmine Defect Confirmed Cannot copy project if you have a file format custom field 2022-11-01 04:05 Projects Actions
37870 Redmine Defect New Redmine 5.0.3 keeps looking for the convert command 2022-10-31 13:01 Third-party libraries Actions
37842 Redmine Defect New Related issue can update other due date issues in other projects that you don't have rights 2022-10-31 10:18 Issues Actions
37852 Redmine Defect New Try send Email Notification Failed 2022-10-28 06:53 Email notifications Actions
32475 Redmine Defect New changing status applies field permissions before save 2022-10-27 19:52 Issues permissions Actions
10931 Redmine Defect New Session does not stay logged in 2022-10-27 18:02 Actions
7651 Redmine Defect New 'Invalid form authenticity token' when updating issue causes dataloss 2022-10-25 14:42 Issues Actions
17588 Redmine Defect New Warn that the authenticity token is invalid before you get the textarea to edit issues 2022-10-25 14:41 Issues Actions
37803 Redmine Defect New schema.rb dump/load does not preserve plugin migration version 2022-10-19 21:03 Plugin API Actions
(101-200/4756) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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