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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
473 Redmine Feature Reopened Custom reports 2021-05-30 17:17 Issues Actions
449 Redmine Feature Reopened Keyboard shortcuts 2020-09-04 21:26 UI Actions
339 Redmine Feature Reopened perforce SCM support 2022-05-13 19:52 SCM Actions
40538 Redmine Patch Reopened Hi, can you help me with a Version Extended? 2024-04-09 12:42 Roadmap Actions
31752 Redmine Patch Reopened Show assigned people when displaying tickets which are related to a specific versions 2019-08-04 16:33 Issues Actions
26139 Redmine Patch Reopened Follow Gemfile's plugin loader as #24007 2017-06-18 13:57 Plugin API Actions
24007 Redmine Patch Reopened Change plugins directory through the configuration.yml file 2017-06-17 12:41 Plugin API Actions
14148 Redmine Patch Reopened Double translation: label_f_hours vs. x_hours 2013-06-06 01:02 Translations Actions
37771 Redmine Defect Resolved receiving email issue 2022-10-13 11:22 Email receiving Actions
37659 Redmine Defect Resolved Cannot access mercurial repositories 2022-09-20 12:30 Issues Actions
36245 Redmine Defect Resolved ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare not working in trunk 21287 2024-04-26 13:11 Plugin API Actions
35431 Redmine Defect Resolved send notifications to user selected from costum field (user type) 2021-09-10 08:39 Email notifications Actions
35355 Redmine Defect Resolved Unable to create or edit users with Cyrillic logins 2021-06-06 21:42 Accounts / authentication Actions
35225 Redmine Defect Resolved Edit issue shows date in MM/DD/YYYY while the rest of the application shows YYYY/MM/DD 2021-05-12 12:50 Issues Actions
34831 Redmine Defect Resolved Unnecessary encoded CR characters in mails 2021-12-01 14:44 Email notifications Actions
33291 Redmine Defect Resolved Gantt conversion to png failed with error w.r.t. font 'helvetica' 2020-05-14 10:51 Gantt Actions
33139 Redmine Defect Resolved not working with socks 2020-05-19 13:40 SCM extra Actions
33138 Redmine Defect Resolved Apache crashes with and RedmineCacheCredsMax active 2020-05-19 13:42 SCM extra Actions
31968 Redmine Defect Resolved MIME Content Type is not properly handled while attaching the files 2019-08-28 14:41 Attachments Actions
20943 Redmine Defect Resolved migrate_from_trac.rake dont work 2017-08-01 13:32 Importers Actions
18984 Redmine Defect Resolved migrate_from_mantis with NoMethodError: strftime 2015-02-02 16:52 Importers Actions
14906 Redmine Defect Resolved Excessive queries on roles table when show a Issue 2015-07-24 08:43 Issues Actions
13995 Redmine Defect Resolved Custom Field (User) - Changes were not correct journalized 2016-10-14 09:01 Custom fields Actions
10532 Redmine Defect Resolved migrate_from_mantis script fails with missing table name 2014-04-19 10:17 Actions
10504 Redmine Defect Resolved migrate_from_mantis script fails on first project when trying to update version dates 2014-05-18 05:42 Importers Actions
(76-100/4758) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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