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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
31118 Redmine Defect New Uninstalling a Plugin that hast assets 2019-03-29 14:16 Rails support Actions
31111 Redmine Defect New About custom fields in List format or Key/value list format 2019-03-28 21:22 Actions
31102 Redmine Defect Needs feedback The parent task history needs to be recorded when the parent task field is automatically updated by subtask creation. 2020-04-23 14:32 Issues Actions
31057 Redmine Defect New email notification not going to assignee and users enabled otification in project 2024-10-22 20:49 Email notifications Actions
31028 Redmine Defect New Get 200 response even when specifying an id value that does not exist. 2019-03-14 09:28 REST API Actions
31021 Redmine Defect Confirmed Fullwidth characters enclosed in "<" and ">" are removed in email notifications 2019-04-23 17:44 Email notifications Actions
31010 Redmine Defect Confirmed The query visibility option "To me only" actually behaves as "To the owner only" 2024-02-05 08:27 Issues Actions
31002 Redmine Defect New Can't change priority of tickets which are not "in Progress" (In Bearbeitung) 2019-03-09 09:43 Issues Actions
30950 Redmine Defect New Issue#clear_disabled_fields can still lead to a nil done_ratio in some cases 2019-03-25 14:26 Issues Actions
30851 Redmine Defect Reopened Redmine 4.0.1 Internnal error 500 on accessing the settings page 2019-06-25 23:52 Administration Actions
30848 Redmine Defect New Error when creating issue with emoji in description 2024-09-28 20:23 Issues Actions
30728 Redmine Defect New Issues Note id changes when changing order in account preferences 2019-01-31 15:15 Issues Actions
30713 Redmine Defect New Remove diff-feature for changed descriptions due to privacy concerns 2019-02-03 07:46 Issues Actions
30512 Redmine Defect New Search results with wiki formatting 2019-01-28 18:17 Search engine Actions
30510 Redmine Defect Confirmed Bad Project's page Form 2019-02-12 11:21 Projects Actions
30491 Redmine Defect New Project#short_description may return a too long string 2019-01-25 01:55 Projects Actions
30484 Redmine Defect New Copying of project does not copy Project assigned Time tracking Activities 2019-01-23 12:41 Project settings Actions
30440 Redmine Defect New Custom Key/value List restrained with text length 2019-01-16 13:16 Custom fields Actions
30371 Redmine Defect New Textile formatter generates broken link if a URL is followed by a tag 2019-01-23 14:31 Text formatting Actions
30232 Redmine Defect New Renaming some of the containers to HTML5 specific tags instead of just DIVs 2018-12-16 10:53 UI Actions
30176 Redmine Defect Confirmed Anonymous users cannot upload attachment if added to project member 2018-12-16 20:12 Attachments Actions
30165 Redmine Defect New Non used images in Wiki pages are not easily to identify 2018-12-09 18:38 Wiki Actions
30164 Redmine Defect Confirmed Missing images in a wiki page are not visualized 2024-05-09 06:34 Text formatting Actions
30125 Redmine Defect Confirmed Can't be distinguished when deleting multiple attachments with the same file name in one action. 2021-03-26 06:58 Attachments Actions
30104 Redmine Defect New Cannot change Project inside Issue 2018-12-07 06:33 Issues Actions
30099 Redmine Defect New Multiple blank lines in pre tags are not preserved in Textile 2022-03-21 21:08 Text formatting Actions
30055 Redmine Defect New Keep it from one job to the next 2018-12-05 08:45 Actions
30030 Redmine Defect New Links to notes depends on issues "Display comments" setting 2019-02-02 08:37 Issues Actions
29980 Redmine Defect New Option "disalow registration" not work if ldap is used and ldap-account information entered into login 2018-11-15 16:00 Accounts / authentication Actions
29971 Redmine Defect Needs feedback [Receiving emails] Redmine cannot create new issue after fetching the mail. 2019-02-10 02:02 Email receiving Actions
29933 Redmine Defect New Strange status jumping in issue workflow 2018-11-08 12:00 Issues workflow Actions
29923 Redmine Defect New Plugin migrations. Load order in plugin. 2018-11-07 15:35 Plugin API Actions
29920 Redmine Defect New Email has already been taken/Login has already been taken 2018-11-26 10:55 Accounts / authentication Actions
29915 Redmine Defect New Text in PDFs generated from issues show wrong glyphs when copied in Acrobat Reader DC 2018-11-06 10:35 PDF export Actions
29881 Redmine Defect New Issue in visibility level 2018-10-30 16:18 Permissions and roles Actions
29855 Redmine Defect Confirmed add_working_days returns wrong date 2018-12-08 09:28 Issues Actions
29853 Redmine Defect New Default plugin value is not 2022-04-07 10:39 Plugin API Actions
29826 Redmine Defect New Can't use back_url in Documents 2018-10-22 12:06 Documents Actions
29819 Redmine Defect New 3.4.6, SQLSERVER 2014. Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET' 2020-04-06 15:13 Database Actions
29746 Redmine Defect New Unexpected results with enumeration formatting in Textile 2018-10-09 09:13 Text formatting Actions
29695 Redmine Defect New Duplicated assignee option when selecting a category with default assignee 2018-09-30 11:39 UI Actions
29694 Redmine Defect New Some buttons in wiki toolbar are hidden in responsive layout 2020-02-17 17:25 UI - Responsive Actions
29684 Redmine Defect New when using export issues to csv format, notes fields contain html flags, making text quite hard to read / use 2018-09-27 10:24 Files Actions
29681 Redmine Defect New "x%x%" is rendered as "&" in Textile formatter 2018-09-27 05:09 Text formatting Actions
29643 Redmine Defect New Issue filter broken for custom fields that are 'remote' 2018-09-19 09:51 Issues filter Actions
29622 Redmine Defect New Adding a 'Custom Field' to 'Activities (time tracking)' prevents time entry on project change 2021-12-07 09:16 Time tracking Actions
29605 Redmine Defect New Redmine doesn't recover from DB timeouts with TinyTds and MS SQL 2018-09-13 14:08 Database Actions
29511 Redmine Defect New cpu 100% 2018-09-06 09:47 Actions
29496 Redmine Defect New Email addresses which includes slashes are wrongly linked 2018-09-16 03:38 Text formatting Actions
29461 Redmine Defect New Receiving E-Mails via IMAP strips attached emails if "truncate after these lines is configured" 2018-10-08 10:43 Email receiving Actions
29450 Redmine Defect New Addressing the test issues and spammer problems on 2019-01-29 07:03 Website ( Actions
29418 Redmine Defect New User cannot set version sharing to hierarchy or tree 2018-08-21 22:25 Roadmap Actions
29416 Redmine Defect Reopened Do not show Git revisions 2022-09-01 14:38 SCM Actions
29312 Redmine Defect New Spent time report does not show all logged time entries with parent task in different projects 2020-03-24 14:48 Time tracking Actions
29300 Redmine Defect Confirmed New issue can't select read-only tracker 2020-12-06 05:17 Issues workflow Actions
29268 Redmine Defect New Can't include attachments or relations with Issues API 2018-07-25 10:27 REST API Actions
29250 Redmine Defect New Problem with high RAM usage 2018-07-26 11:33 Performance Actions
29227 Redmine Defect New Code modifier @ disables generation of URL links 2018-07-12 12:44 Text formatting Actions
29195 Redmine Defect New Regular expression for Long text formatted custom fields does not work multiline 2018-07-05 06:31 Custom fields Actions
29158 Redmine Defect New API don't shows value label of a costum field 2018-07-01 02:16 REST API Actions
29128 Redmine Defect Needs feedback API: Issue Relation create does not work 2018-06-28 09:36 REST API Actions
29094 Redmine Defect New Email reply looses indentation in pre-block 2023-02-07 04:11 Email receiving Actions
29069 Redmine Defect Needs feedback API reports wrong date for time spent if issue start date is greater than spent_on date 2018-07-03 09:12 Time tracking Actions
29043 Redmine Defect New Dropdown Project Search list is sorted in weird order 2018-06-18 05:25 Projects Actions
29023 Redmine Defect New Can't see subtask created in a issue 2018-06-13 04:06 Issues Actions
28967 Redmine Defect New could the RESTAPI be used in the plugin with auth again? 2018-07-03 16:40 REST API Actions
28953 Redmine Defect New Issue content gets lost if user deletes an attachment 2018-07-11 11:12 Issues Actions
28882 Redmine Defect Confirmed GDPR compliance 2021-05-11 05:59 Website ( Actions
28871 Redmine Defect New Adding the window AD activity directory to verify redmine permissions is failed 2018-05-27 04:18 Actions
28865 Redmine Defect New Group items by project in version type custom fields 2020-12-01 17:07 Custom fields Actions
28807 Redmine Defect New Cannot search in a case-insensitive manner 2018-05-28 04:39 Actions
28793 Redmine Defect Confirmed Redmine replaces tabs with spaces in code blocks 2020-07-27 15:07 Text formatting Actions
28773 Redmine Defect New PDF export does not display most Vietnamese characters. 2018-05-19 16:32 PDF export Actions
28705 Redmine Defect New 403/Not allowed on issue view for non member users 2018-05-08 11:02 Permissions and roles Actions
28672 Redmine Defect New Browsing of single file projects using SVN does not work 2018-05-02 13:12 SCM Actions
28669 Redmine Defect New Project filter is (sometimes) ignored in CSV export 2018-05-01 05:34 Issues filter Actions
28563 Redmine Defect New Due date is not visible 2018-04-16 17:59 Issues filter Actions
28558 Redmine Defect New OpenLDAP 2018-09-13 15:36 Accounts / authentication Actions
28529 Redmine Defect New Plugin settings trouble 2018-12-11 05:06 Plugin API Actions
28447 Redmine Defect New fields_for produces a broken <label for=“”> value 2018-03-28 05:08 UI Actions
28409 Redmine Defect New Total estimated time value not visible when tracker has estimate time field disabled 2020-11-28 09:53 Issues Actions
28404 Redmine Defect New "Cancel" does not cancel a ticket update 2018-03-22 12:49 UI Actions
28383 Redmine Defect New custom field filter on issues list requires other filters to be respected 2018-03-20 16:02 REST API Actions
28356 Redmine Defect New Jump to a project not showing whole project name 2018-03-18 12:11 UI Actions
28343 Redmine Defect New Error to save custom query 2018-03-28 09:37 Issues filter Actions
28327 Redmine Defect New Use of 'Feedback' term instead of 'Notes' in Edit-event 2020-06-09 11:59 Issues Actions
28325 Redmine Defect New Copy of project fails 2018-03-12 17:11 Performance Actions
28322 Redmine Defect New Commit messages referencing issues should stop at line breaks 2018-03-12 14:28 SCM Actions
28309 Redmine Defect New Error when query filter model inherited from other class which inherited from Query 2018-03-08 12:55 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
28304 Redmine Defect New Move tests related to textile syntax to dedicated TextileFormatterTest class 2018-03-07 09:24 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
28303 Redmine Defect New Documentation needs tutorial for installing Redmine 3.4 with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04 2018-03-07 02:51 Documentation Actions
28267 Redmine Defect New New, empty repositories show white, 404 error page instead of the empty repository view 2018-10-15 20:54 SCM Actions
28254 Redmine Defect New issues in incorrect project 2018-09-15 08:43 Email receiving Actions
28240 Redmine Defect New Issue parents are getting set incorrectly 2018-03-04 13:35 Issues Actions
28205 Redmine Defect New Wrong values in status combo 2018-08-03 21:33 Issues workflow Actions
28188 Redmine Defect New No Access-Control-Allow-Origin 2024-07-04 04:31 Accounts / authentication Actions
28171 Redmine Defect Needs feedback When exporting to PDF from the issue navigator (several issues) textile is not exported correctly 2018-02-11 16:30 PDF export Actions
28134 Redmine Defect New Can't set issue start/due date when field values are calculated from subtasks and subtasks have no such fields. 2018-02-05 07:08 Issues Actions
28133 Redmine Defect New Controller patch causes Helper Patch down 2019-08-20 03:19 Plugin API Actions
28129 Redmine Defect New Last month period includes dates from current month 2019-07-11 18:23 Time tracking Actions
(401-500/4750) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF