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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
6856 Redmine Feature New Shibboleth authentication and SSO support 2018-07-05 09:37 Accounts / authentication Actions
3544 Redmine Feature New user accounts without email address 2018-03-21 09:46 Accounts / authentication Actions
6396 Redmine Feature New Copy User Project Roles From Another User 2018-02-18 18:33 Accounts / authentication Actions
26555 Redmine Feature New Hide user information from other users (even if they are all members of the same project) 2018-01-02 12:55 Accounts / authentication Actions
27770 Redmine Feature New Login password transmission through SRP-6a 2017-12-10 10:03 Accounts / authentication Actions
26758 Redmine Feature New User can block his account or assign relief 2017-08-25 05:38 Accounts / authentication Actions
24089 Redmine Feature New Call to Action (CTA) and improved conversion for registration 2017-07-03 17:22 Accounts / authentication Actions
1697 Redmine Feature New Individual LDAP fields 2017-06-15 15:12 Accounts / authentication Actions
1113 Redmine Feature New Link LDAP groups with user accounts 2017-03-21 22:09 Accounts / authentication Actions
1838 Redmine Feature New Bulk import for LDAP users 2017-01-26 19:03 Accounts / authentication Actions
24906 Redmine Defect New Session expiration not visible when editing issues 2017-01-23 11:35 Accounts / authentication Actions
24520 Redmine Feature New Use more secure hashing algorigthm 2016-12-02 14:27 Accounts / authentication Actions
24299 Redmine Feature New Reflect project membership changes in Activity history 2016-11-24 17:14 Accounts / authentication Actions
5230 Redmine Defect New Invalid form authenticity token. 2016-10-25 14:32 Accounts / authentication Actions
833 Redmine Feature New Who's online 2016-10-23 20:42 Accounts / authentication Actions
1195 Redmine Feature New Membership logging 2016-09-13 16:17 Accounts / authentication Actions
12330 Redmine Feature New Integrate Kerberos Authentication 2016-08-18 18:37 Accounts / authentication Actions
688 Redmine Feature Reopened Allow the same email for two accounts 2016-04-29 17:19 Accounts / authentication Actions
22656 Redmine Feature New RFE: Add ability to toggle login permission for accounts 2016-04-28 06:33 Accounts / authentication Actions
3856 Redmine Feature New show userpage by 'login' rather than 'id'. 2016-04-07 17:53 Accounts / authentication Actions
11542 Redmine Feature New Improve password security and use some standards. 2016-03-03 13:46 Accounts / authentication Actions
22116 Redmine Feature New Add auto detect time zone option in My account settings 2016-02-26 01:24 Accounts / authentication Actions
22016 Redmine Defect New Generated password not shown if Send Account Information To User is unchecked 2016-02-11 19:39 Accounts / authentication Actions
6543 Redmine Feature New New user preference: default value for number of lines in lists 2016-01-17 05:30 Accounts / authentication Actions
9928 Redmine Feature New Custom ext auth source password change message 2015-12-14 09:20 Accounts / authentication Actions
20555 Redmine Feature New API authentication via session cookie 2015-08-18 14:04 Accounts / authentication Actions
20457 Redmine Feature New Azure AD authentication 2015-08-14 17:07 Accounts / authentication Actions
19971 Redmine Feature New Redmine 3.0 - Need to authorize users using client-side certificates 2015-05-28 23:06 Accounts / authentication Actions
428 Redmine Feature New Temporary users (eg. enable auto-locking users after a specified date) 2015-01-21 06:56 Accounts / authentication Actions
3155 Redmine Feature New Password policy and secure logon procedure 2015-01-21 00:59 Accounts / authentication Actions
940 Redmine Feature New RADIUS authentication support 2015-01-12 22:35 Accounts / authentication Actions
811 Redmine Patch New Username validation - allow spaces... 2015-01-08 15:28 Accounts / authentication Actions
1572 Redmine Feature New Delete Users and automatically ticket change 2014-12-31 04:12 Accounts / authentication Actions
18148 Redmine Defect Needs feedback hook controller_account_success_authentication_after not called with auth_sources 2014-10-28 19:26 Accounts / authentication Actions
17749 Redmine Feature New blacklist usernames 2014-08-26 21:43 Accounts / authentication Actions
17587 Redmine Feature New force ldap authentication only (deny internal auth) possible? 2014-07-31 12:48 Accounts / authentication Actions
17158 Redmine Defect Needs feedback 403 error when trying to view project/issue details 2014-06-26 10:17 Accounts / authentication Actions
7342 Redmine Feature New Default "Everyone" / "Authenticated Users" group for all users 2014-03-09 06:40 Accounts / authentication Actions
15247 Redmine Feature New Group definition by set operations on other groups 2013-11-30 04:34 Accounts / authentication Actions
1568 Redmine Patch New Added Support for htpasswd authentication 2013-10-23 19:35 Accounts / authentication Actions
10873 Redmine Feature New Additional user format 2013-10-01 10:43 Accounts / authentication Actions
15009 Redmine Feature New Disable editing of User's Profile Information by general 2013-09-30 08:21 Accounts / authentication Actions
14601 Redmine Feature New Improve returned HTTP status code for requests for account/show 2013-08-14 04:09 Accounts / authentication Actions
13503 Redmine Feature New Optional disabling username validation with ldap authentication 2013-08-08 17:03 Accounts / authentication Actions
14356 Redmine Feature New Accessing a file ressouorce URL should have HTTP 401 header if not logged in 2013-06-26 09:48 Accounts / authentication Actions
2336 Redmine Feature New Private messages 2013-06-12 18:38 Accounts / authentication Actions
2556 Redmine Feature New Add myself as member to all projects I contribute 2013-04-11 05:36 Accounts / authentication Actions
3930 Redmine Feature New Should be added a filter for the "Assigned to" form 2013-04-10 20:28 Accounts / authentication Actions
1587 Redmine Patch New Simple Phone Number and Address List for Users 2013-03-27 20:09 Accounts / authentication Actions
3841 Redmine Feature New Interface with fbConnect/Twitter/etc 2013-03-23 09:22 Accounts / authentication Actions
(401-450/4759) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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