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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
27338 Redmine Feature New Add ability to upload files a per role base in issues 2019-01-16 01:11 Files Actions
26429 Redmine Feature New Add ability to specify attachments by URL 2017-07-14 01:40 Attachments Actions
21163 Redmine Feature New Add ability to hide D/L from files on a per role base 2019-01-16 01:11 Files Actions
26908 Redmine Feature New Add ability to have hooks inisde application.js and application.css via asset pipeline 2019-04-29 12:55 Plugin API Actions
7322 Redmine Feature New add ability to filter the activity page 2020-10-26 19:38 Activity view Actions
19226 Redmine Feature New Add ability to display diff directly in comment 2015-03-29 05:40 Text formatting Actions
8568 Redmine Feature New add ability to designate default watchers by tracker/project 2020-12-03 11:20 Issues Actions
1265 Redmine Feature New Add ability to delete Versions 2019-03-24 03:30 Issues Actions
4082 Redmine Feature New add ability to copy versions 2013-04-10 15:02 Roadmap Actions
26525 Redmine Feature New Add ability to configure the number of weeks to display on Calendar block in My Page 2018-12-01 15:19 My page Actions
18556 Redmine Feature New Add ability to configure limit of attachments at once 2022-10-24 15:48 Attachments Actions
10424 Redmine Feature New add ability to change login 2012-03-12 06:27 Accounts / authentication Actions
1739 Redmine Feature Reopened Add ability to change issue author 2023-05-09 02:28 Issues Actions
17132 Redmine Feature New add ability set "private note" visibility for specific role 2023-12-06 15:28 Issues permissions Actions
4356 Redmine Feature New add ability Plugin may contain the theme for Redmine 2009-12-08 14:46 Plugin API Actions
22601 Redmine Feature New Add ability not to emit "update emails" when doing mass-update of tickets 2017-03-10 16:20 Email notifications Actions
28106 Redmine Feature New Add ability for each user to control his/her visibility for other projects in user profile (improve privacy and simplicity) 2020-04-12 10:16 Accounts / authentication Actions
2947 Redmine Feature New Add a wrapping-setting button to edit-windows 2009-03-11 00:42 Wiki Actions
21969 Redmine Feature New Add a wiki action to list (lost/hidden) pages which are not referenced in the parent page 2016-09-10 21:11 Wiki Actions
37677 Redmine Feature New Add a way to view all saved queries 2022-10-12 07:58 UI Actions
3603 Redmine Feature New Add a way to change issue start-/due dates directly from the issue list 2011-11-24 20:29 Actions
5086 Redmine Feature New Add a warning to inform that target version is reset while moving an issue to another project 2010-05-20 11:12 UI Actions
6945 Redmine Feature New Add a voting system to help users help admins identify popular features/defects 2017-01-27 22:02 Website ( Actions
2893 Redmine Feature Reopened Add a view to confirm issue deletion 2011-03-29 14:38 UI Actions
35153 Redmine Defect New Add a touch icon 2021-04-27 13:08 UI Actions
6722 Redmine Patch New Add a summary to projects 2017-11-26 14:31 Projects Actions
39880 Redmine Feature New Add a small border-radius to selected (author) headings 2023-12-20 02:44 UI Actions
23668 Redmine Feature New Add a separate permission to "Edit descriptions" 2016-08-29 15:14 Permissions and roles Actions
35769 Redmine Patch New Add a Revision (Changeset) API end-point with support for inclusion of associated issues 2021-08-17 12:20 REST API Actions
8648 Redmine Feature New Add a reminder button in the issue page 2019-02-26 06:06 Email notifications Actions
6845 Redmine Feature New Add a real title field for wiki pages 2011-12-08 12:08 Wiki Actions
33490 Redmine Feature New Add a project query filter for "Subproject of"/"Parent project" with operator "contains" 2020-05-25 22:22 Projects Actions
17098 Redmine Feature New Add a possibility to create an issue from the comment 2014-07-03 06:04 Issues Actions
21562 Redmine Feature New Add a permission to prevent user delete issues attachments. 2016-12-15 20:15 Attachments Actions
26385 Redmine Feature New Add a non-hook based API for adding/removing items to/from contextual menus (like the main menu) 2017-07-08 02:33 Plugin API Actions
16117 Redmine Feature New Add a new type of related issue: "exclusive" 2014-02-18 09:52 Issues Actions
4566 Redmine Feature New add a manager for a hole project 2011-08-18 23:55 Projects Actions
8748 Redmine Feature New Add a manager feature 2011-07-12 15:21 Groups Actions
2355 Redmine Feature New add a link to diff page to wiki item in activity page 2014-10-07 01:53 Wiki Actions
35799 Redmine Feature New Add a link to (with count of) targeted but not-estimated issues to versions show view 2021-08-22 13:42 Issues planning Actions
3980 Redmine Feature New Add a group of projects to user account 2009-10-06 19:47 Administration Actions
1382 Redmine Patch New Add a global notification cc 2010-10-25 17:03 Email notifications Actions
10507 Redmine Feature New Add a flag to each Tracker to indicate if update of this type of tracker must trigger an notification event 2012-03-22 08:57 Administration Actions
6300 Redmine Feature New Add a filter for items displayed in gantt view (version, issues) 2011-01-26 17:51 Gantt Actions
34774 Redmine Feature New Add a filter for 'Start-Date is not in the future' 2021-02-19 23:15 Issues filter Actions
35760 Redmine Feature New Add a fallback-mechanism to Version#due_date similar to Version#start_date 2021-08-14 11:52 Roadmap Actions
28861 Redmine Patch New Add a date item to the context menu 2020-02-19 08:39 UI Actions
30796 Redmine Feature New Add a category field in support tracker 2019-02-13 10:32 Custom fields Actions
20888 Redmine Patch New Add a button in the textile formatting toolbar to convert tabulated text into a table 2015-10-01 12:09 Text formatting Actions
29203 Redmine Feature New Add a button all/none to add watchers 2018-07-26 11:31 UI Actions
(4451-4500/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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