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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
2759 Redmine Defect Closed Nil Class Error with issuescontroller.rb & Patch 2009-02-19 19:41 Custom fields Actions
1352 Redmine Feature Closed DOC - Add documentation for building and using the plugin libraries 2009-03-28 22:20 Website ( Actions
3309 Redmine Feature Closed t 2009-05-07 12:41 Custom fields Actions
5353 Redmine Defect Closed XXXXXsdfsdf 2010-04-20 06:59 Documentation Actions
3834 Redmine Defect Closed Add a warning when not choosing a member role 2010-08-19 06:35 Projects Actions
5898 Redmine Patch Closed Projects should be displayed as links in users/memberships 2010-08-19 06:35 UI Actions
5760 Redmine Defect Closed Assigned_to and author filters in "Projects>View all issues" should be based on user's project visibility 2010-08-19 06:35 Issues Actions
5477 Redmine Patch Closed Replace Test::Unit::TestCase with ActiveSupport::TestCase 2010-08-19 06:35 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
5297 Redmine Defect Closed openid not validated correctly 2010-08-19 06:35 Accounts / authentication Actions
5084 Redmine Feature Closed Filter all isssues by projects 2010-08-19 06:35 Issues Actions
4656 Redmine Patch Closed On Issue#show page, clicking on “Add related issue” should focus on the input 2010-08-19 06:35 UI Actions
6100 Redmine Defect Closed User's profile should display all visible projects 2010-08-19 06:35 Permissions and roles Actions
6045 Redmine Defect Closed Repository file Diff view sometimes shows more than selected file 2010-08-19 06:35 SCM Actions
5978 Redmine Defect Closed Debug code still remains 2010-08-19 06:35 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
6203 Redmine Defect Closed When assigning a user, status should auto set to assigned if no status selected 2010-09-02 13:05 Plugin Request Actions
2285 Redmine Patch Closed issue-refinement: pressing enter should result to an "apply" 2010-09-20 05:51 UI Actions
6242 Redmine Defect Closed can't switch between inline and side-by-side diff 2010-09-20 05:51 UI Actions
6333 Redmine Defect Closed Create and continue results in a 404 Error 2010-09-20 05:51 Issues Actions
6351 Redmine Defect Closed Context menu on roadmap broken 2010-09-20 05:51 Roadmap Actions
6413 Redmine Defect Closed Error in SQL 2010-09-20 05:51 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
6289 Redmine Patch Closed Checkboxes in issues list shouldn't be displayed when printing 2010-09-20 05:51 UI Actions
4998 Redmine Defect Closed Global issue list's context menu has enabled options for parent menus but there are no valid selections 2010-09-20 05:51 UI Actions
3411 Redmine Feature Closed Allow mass status update trough context menu 2010-09-20 05:51 Issues Actions
6291 Redmine Patch Closed User#allowed_to? is not tested 2010-09-20 05:51 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
6479 Redmine Defect Closed Changing tracker type will lose watchers 2010-09-27 00:21 Issues Actions
(1-25/121) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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