


HowTo keep Redmine in sync with Github without dedicated plugin (Apache CGI + Github Webhook) » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (crypto gopher, 2018-09-17 14:56) → Revision 3/10 (crypto gopher, 2018-09-17 15:00)

h1. HowTo keep Redmine in sync with Github without dedicated plugin (Apache CGI + Github Webhook) 

 This is a solution in case you don't want to install additional plugins just to keep repository synchronised. It requires you to have Apache webserver with access to repository you are trying to sync. Apache has to support running CGI scripts. 

 h2. Prepare CGI script 

 Any script you run on your server will do. Below is an example of Bash script that pulls git repository and notifies Redmine to fetch changesets: 
 /usr/bin/git -C /var/lib/redmine/tv/repo/token_voting pull -n -q 

 /usr/bin/curl --max-time 60 -s '' >/dev/null 

 if [[ $result1 && $result2 ]]; then 
   echo "Status: 200 OK" 
   echo "Status: 500 Internal Server Error" 

 echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" 

 if [[ $result1 ]]; then 
   echo "git pull: ok" 
   echo "git pull: failed" 

 if [[ $result2 ]]; then 
   echo "fetch changesets: ok" 
   echo "fetch changesets: failed" 

 Let's say you save this script under: _/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/update-repo.cgi_ 

 h2. Configure Apache to run script whenever particular URL is requested 

 Inside @VirtualHost@ of your choice just add: 
   # Github webhook for repository pull/update 
   ScriptAlias /update-repo.cgi /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/update-repo.cgi 
   <Directory /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/> 
     Options ExecCGI 
     AllowOverride None 
     Require all granted 

 In case you use the same @VirtualHost@ to proxy requests to your Redmine @rails server@, you should exclude your special URL from being proxied with: 
 ProxyPass /update-repo.cgi ! 

 h2. Configure Github Webhook 

 Go to your Github repository page, choose _Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook_. Then set: 
 * Payload URL: @ 
 * Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?: Just the push event. 
 * Active: yes 

 Update webhook and you're done.