

Christoph Koehler

  • Login: ckoehler
  • Registered on: 2008-05-31
  • Last connection: 2008-06-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



18:15 Redmine Feature #1363 (Closed): Allow underscores in project identifiers
Please allow underscores and potentially other characters in project identifiers. Just change the validation rule in ... Christoph Koehler


20:59 Redmine Defect #1355 (New): trac importer error in convert_wiki_text
When passing the description of a ticket to this method at line 360, the method parses the description wrongly for ti... Christoph Koehler
20:54 Redmine Feature #1354 (New): akismet for spam filtering
It would be nice to have a setting to allow akismet to filter for spam. Christoph Koehler
16:12 Redmine Open discussion: RE: underscores in project ids
Been trying it and no problems so far. Christoph Koehler


07:09 Redmine Help: RE: no route for plugins
I figured it out. Since I had to checkout the rb-2.0 branch of engines to work with rails 2.X, the plugin directory c... Christoph Koehler
01:15 Redmine Help: no route for plugins
Trying to write my own plugin, but I am getting this:... Christoph Koehler


23:35 Redmine Open discussion: underscores in project ids
Is there a reason that underscores aren't allowed in project identifiers? If at all possible I would like t...
Christoph Koehler

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