

Marcin Garski

  • Login: garymg18
  • Registered on: 2016-04-25
  • Last connection: 2016-07-26


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



08:43 Redmine Help: Redmine Version Object and REST API with ruby
Does anybody know how to get list of all objects of Redmine Version (versions table) from database using RES...
Marcin Garski


10:15 Redmine Help: Adding new version to project using Ruby API
How can I add new version object to Redmine project using Ruby API? I'd like to automate some processes in Rub...
Marcin Garski
08:39 Redmine Defect #23112 (Closed): Adding new version to project using Ruby API
How can I add new version object to Redmine project using Ruby API? I'd like to automate some processes in Rub...
Marcin Garski


14:37 Redmine Wiki edit: Rest_api_with_ruby (#9)
#22628 Marcin Garski
14:23 Redmine Defect #22628 (Resolved): Create issue with custom fields with ruby API
Ok, great, found solution. We need to pass array of hashes as value.
For example, we've created custom_field name...
Marcin Garski
13:49 Redmine Defect #22628: Create issue with custom fields with ruby API
Ok, but I haven't figured it out how should it be done. Should I use ':custom_fields' symbol while creating a new Iss... Marcin Garski
13:28 Redmine Defect #22628 (Closed): Create issue with custom fields with ruby API
I'm trying to create an issus in ruby script with one custom_field. I've created custom field (down drop list w...
Marcin Garski

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