

Mustafa Yılmaz

  • Login: myaspm
  • Registered on: 2016-09-05
  • Last connection: 2021-12-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



08:39 Redmine Help: Including information about subprojects to parent project.
Hello. I've a big parent project including subprojects which include more subprojects etc. What i want is to see issu... Mustafa Yılmaz


16:00 Redmine Help: RE: Redmine 404 Error
Interesting, Stats do work if there isn't any issue created. Mustafa Yılmaz
14:06 Redmine Help: RE: Redmine 404 Error
No, i couldnt :/ It might be a file permission issue but all other plugins are working perfectly for me. Mustafa Yılmaz


16:32 Redmine Help: Redmine 404 Error
Hello, i'm using Redmine 3.3.0 and trying to get Global Stats plugin to work. For two days the plugin had been giving... Mustafa Yılmaz
16:23 Redmine Defect #23765 (Closed): Redmine 404 Error
Hello, i'm using Redmine 3.3.0 and trying to get Global Stats plugin to work. For two days the plugin had been giving... Mustafa Yılmaz

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