

stavros chalaris

  • Login: stavroch
  • Registered on: 2016-10-10
  • Last connection: 2017-11-03


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
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11:05 Redmine Help: RE: Redmine 3.3.3 IMAP Cron Job Failing
I have set the following line in cron job but no mail alert is coming. Either any message to error.log
Do you know t...
stavros chalaris


22:56 Redmine Help: RE: Redmine 3.3.3 IMAP Cron Job Failing
I have exactly the same issue and I am looking to set cron job.
I want to ask you about the user name and passwor...
stavros chalaris
22:47 Redmine Help: cron job sent alert
The alert mail system is not working.
Can I use cron job? If yes what I have to type?
stavros chalaris


14:28 Redmine Help: Not running redmine
In October 2017 the server auto install the Ruby version 1.8.7 and the redmine works fine but don' t send notificatio... stavros chalaris


09:37 Redmine Help: export data
Can I make export of data from redmine to one other application?
If yes, which application did you recommend?
stavros chalaris
09:36 Redmine Help: Service Unavailable - Update packages
The hosting provider made updates in the following packages and the redmine is not working. I get error "Service Unav... stavros chalaris


17:06 Redmine Help: update from v. 1.4.4.stable
I have the version Redmine 1.4.4.stable (MySQL) and I would like to update it.
How can I do it?
stavros chalaris

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