

Stefano Cognigni

  • Login: exalab
  • Registered on: 2011-02-15
  • Last connection: 2011-02-21


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10:11 Redmine Help: RE: Application error - Rails application failed to start properly
Ok, i resolved, i disabled SELinux, and all works perfectly!!
Thank's all!
Stefano Cognigni


09:58 Redmine Help: RE: Application error - Rails application failed to start properly
I use passenger and is my gem list --local, i believe that the versions of software are right:
actionmailer (2.3.5...
Stefano Cognigni
09:38 Redmine Help: RE: Application error - Rails application failed to start properly
What should I do then? Stefano Cognigni
09:22 Redmine Help: RE: Application error - Rails application failed to start properly
I have try to use cgi...i have follow the instruction of a official install guide but don't work....i use passenger w... Stefano Cognigni


19:37 Redmine Help: Application error - Rails application failed to start properly
i have installed the last redmine on Centos 5.5 and work correctly with webrick. I have integrated redmine with ...
Stefano Cognigni

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