

Boris Chavez-Bravo

  • Login: bchavezjr
  • Registered on: 2011-04-26
  • Last connection: 2011-04-26


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16:01 Redmine Help: RE: Can I update status issues directly on the issues table through SQL?
I tried Rest API, but it has a problem updating status for issues (see: redmine-java-api/issues/detail?id=25)
I al...
Boris Chavez-Bravo
15:40 Redmine Help: RE: Can I update status issues directly on the issues table through SQL?
Basically, all I need to do is automate the way that issues get flagged as being ready to test. Every time a deploym... Boris Chavez-Bravo
14:35 Redmine Help: Can I update status issues directly on the issues table through SQL?
I am wondering whether I can perform updates through SQL directly on the issues table on MySQL. Specifical...
Boris Chavez-Bravo

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