

Matt Pangaro

  • Login: mattp
  • Registered on: 2008-02-11
  • Last connection: 2010-09-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



05:40 Redmine Patch #712 (Closed): Patch for issue #711
The attached patch will extend the table and validation limit to 60.
It also expands the html form element to fit mo...
Matt Pangaro


21:33 Redmine Patch #695 (Closed): Patch for issue #630
Removes the requirement for uniqueness of the project "Name". Also adds the identifier to the list of columns on the ... Matt Pangaro
21:29 Redmine Patch #694 (Closed): Patch for issue #663
The attached patch extends the table field and updates the model to allow up to 120 characters for the home page, ins... Matt Pangaro

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