

Clemens Rudert

  • Login: kalleblomquist
  • Registered on: 2011-07-06
  • Last connection: 2013-03-21


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



18:59 Redmine Defect #13480 (Closed): Can't move issue to a new project via the api
Hi every body. Problem: see subject.
I was using redmine 1.2.1 until now. There the problem apears also. I was int...
Clemens Rudert


14:41 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Change redmines start page
Hi Caroline
I was waiting for a reply a long time. Thank you very much for answering on my question. While the wai...
Clemens Rudert


15:45 Redmine Feature #9548: Change redmines start page
oh. i cant add files... Clemens Rudert
15:41 Redmine Feature #9548: Change redmines start page
Thanks Tim for your reply. But i thought about an other solution. Maybe i described it not perfect. I added a pinting... Clemens Rudert


11:27 Redmine Feature #9548 (Closed): Change redmines start page
Hello everybody
I need help in a difficult issue. I tried to post in the Forum but I didn't get a answer. So I tr...
Clemens Rudert


16:52 Redmine Open discussion: Change redmines start page
Hello everybody
I need help in a difficult issue. I want change the landing page for some users of my redmine appl...
Clemens Rudert


15:53 Redmine Open discussion: Show an Issue only to the owners of this issue
Hi Redmine-Community
Is it possible to bring it on? I do a presentation to all the management of the company where...
Clemens Rudert


17:36 Redmine Open discussion: An issue close button in a special way
Hello everybody
I have a special question. I want to use redmine as an issue tracking system. For that i have a au...
Clemens Rudert

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