

Brad Neuberg

  • Login: BradNeuberg
  • Registered on: 2009-09-28
  • Last connection: 2009-10-02


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10:32 Redmine Feature #3861: Provide 95% browser compatability for the in-built graphs (and extension graphs) using svgweb
Eric Davis wrote:
> Could some people with IE test this patch/fork out? My Windows virtual machines got knocked off...
Brad Neuberg
10:31 Redmine Feature #3861: Provide 95% browser compatability for the in-built graphs (and extension graphs) using svgweb
Eric Davis wrote:
> Could some people with IE test this patch/fork out? My Windows virtual machines got knocked off...
Brad Neuberg


07:40 Redmine Feature #3861: Provide 95% browser compatability for the in-built graphs (and extension graphs) using svgweb
Keep me in the loop as you work on this, as I work on the SVG Web library. In a few weeks we should also have another... Brad Neuberg

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