


Is there an official process for getting things into core Redmine?

Added by Beau Simensen over 13 years ago

I'm curious if there is an official process for getting things into core Redmine. There are a handful of things I may try to tackle in the coming months now that I'm going to be committing to using Redmine and I'd like to think that some of the changes I might make could eventually make it into Redmine itself so I will not have to maintain my changes in my own fork indefinitely.

After seeing the likes of #2277 it makes me wonder if there is a process for making these types of requests? This seems like a relatively trivial (but important) fix that could have been added to core at any point over the last two years. What is missing that would get a patch like this submitted to core Redmine?

Replies (1)

RE: Is there an official process for getting things into core Redmine? - Added by Felix Schäfer over 13 years ago

Beau Simensen wrote:

I'm curious if there is an official process for getting things into core Redmine.

Other than bugging one of the devs with commit access to the repo (JPLang and JBBarth by my account), no.
