


Assigning a revision to an issue

Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

I want developers to be able to link an issue to specific revisions of files in our version control (git).

The point being that our change controller will need to know which commits of which files to process in regard to a given issue.

As I understand it, I can assign a git repo to a project, but all it's good for is browsing? Can anyone tell me if I have the wrong end of the stick, or advise me on how to proceed?

Replies (9)

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

Replying to myself, for posterity:

The vanilla approach to acheiving this is to have the git commit comment mention the Redmine ticket number, as in "fixes #123". This (allegedly): (1) links the task to the commit (link shown in the task view) (2) sets the completed field (3) changes the status.

In administration settings, the repository tab controls the details.

I guess I would have had better luck posting on the help forum; it's just that I was after general advice, not really help. It's a bit dead here, init?

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago

Since #2009 for 1.4.0, it is possible to manually link a revision to an issue from the revision page.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

We're evaluating 1.4.2 here. I don't see that option. Where is it supposed to be?

I think Redmine is having problems reading our repository. I can ... eventually ... get to a point in the "repostitory" tab where I'm looking at a single program. I get a header with the program name, the menu "history,view,annotate,download". History shows nothing, which is wrong. View and annotate look fine.

Admittedly it's not helping that it takes two minutes to open the repository tab every time. I suspect Redmine can't cope with a repo converted from SCCS (don't ask! :/ )

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago

Andy Jones wrote:

We're evaluating 1.4.2 here. I don't see that option. Where is it supposed to be?

On the screen which opens when you click a revision link in History...

Admittedly it's not helping that it takes two minutes to open the repository tab every time. I suspect Redmine can't cope with a repo converted from SCCS (don't ask! :/ )

Converted to?
Indeed, it seems particularily long, there must be something wrong.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

From SCCS to Git. Given that I see nothing in History, that would make sense.

The nature of our SCCS is that there are no folders, so we're talking about >3000 files in the root dir of the repo. Perhaps it's not surprising that it takes a few minutes to open.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago

I don't know if you're using a specific plugin; with vanilla it could be long to fetch data the first time you open the repository browser but then it should be pretty fast.

You can have a look to RedmineRepositories if you don't have yet.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

No special plugin. We're switching to git hook updates now, but even with auto off, it's a couple of minutes -- at least one minute -- every time you click on the repository tab.

I'm not convinced that this is really Redmine's fault.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by William Roush almost 12 years ago

Is "Fetch commits automatically" checked in Settings > Administration > Repositories? Uncheck that and see if it resolves the long page load issue.

RE: Assigning a revision to an issue - Added by Andy Jones almost 12 years ago

This does help -- I've already asked our admin to set up pushes to Redmine on a Git commit hook -- but the wait is still at least a minute.
