


How to install Redmine on Host Service

Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago

hi all

I would like to install Redmine on my Host Services on - I cannot find document for this matter.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (13)

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Brian DeVries over 15 years ago

Well, if Bluehost uses Passenger, it may be something similar to how it's installed for Dreamhost (my hosting service). The main instructions for them are:

Hopefully you can adapt these to however Bluehost does it. I haven't checked Bluehost's website myself, so I can't say the similarity between the two offhand.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Brian DeVries over 15 years ago

Brian DeVries wrote:

Durr... wish I could edit posts on here. Anyways, fixed the link.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


Thanks for your information.

I can see that Bluehost support Rails Applications - you can get it on: and click DEMO LOGON

But I am not familiar with this software

I have created mysql database for Redmine.

Could you help me to install this software?

Thanks in advance.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

Why don't you ask Bluehost team how to install a rails app ? This is their job ! There's nothing (or almost) specific to Redmine here imho...
Anyway, I found some infos here :

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


I am asking them to SSH Access Enable for me, and I think that I can follow your introduction to install it.

I really do not know how to ask them to install Redmine software for me. I think that they can enable SSH access and we will install. They do not support installation software for us.

Thanks for your support, I will back after get SSH Access Enable in my domain.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


When I do: rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

I got error as:

No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.3/lib/rake.rb:2343:in `raw_load_rakefile'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Could you help me to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


You can see my information at:


RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Yukos Vietnam over 15 years ago


Now, I can do above step to migrate, but I got a error as:

Please help me to correct it, thanks in advance.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Lu Pon over 13 years ago

Brian DeVries wrote:

Well, if Bluehost uses Passenger, it may be something similar to how it's installed for Dreamhost (my hosting service). The main instructions for them are:

Hopefully you can adapt these to however Bluehost does it. I haven't checked Bluehost's website myself, so I can't say the similarity between the two offhand.

I also work with Dreamhost, but I'm having memory limit problems with them. I'm thinking change hosting, or change redmine :(

This is the (private) forum:

I began to hate dreamhost.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Marat Aminov from RedmineUP over 1 year ago

Well, when using Redmine in shared hosting, you should be aware of limitation and quite poor support service. I find that the best way to manually install Redmine is to use Docker container hosting.

Here is the official image: which can be easily deployed on any popular hosting such as AWS, MS Azur, Google Cloud or Digital Ocean. But if you looking for a dedicated Redmine hosting with plugin management, backups, data migration and full support, you may check RedmineUP Cloud.

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by bonz cruzez 12 months ago

I can see that Bluehost support Rails Applications - you can get it on: and click DEMO LOGON

RE: How to install Redmine on Host Service - Added by Bilal Ashraf 11 months ago

Hello David Bazesz,

We provide fully managed Redmine Hosting. Have a look at:

There is no user limit, you can add as many users as you want.
