


Using repositories with redmine

Added by Martin Neuß 5 months ago


it might be really obvious but i´m sortt of lost regarding using repositories with redmine.

i tried to read, view and understand all entries found by google regarding how to use repositories but to nearly no avail.

so where am i standing now?
Using Redmine as a docker install (sameersbn/redmine) on a synology ds 920+. it runs perfectly and is accessible.
i enabled subversion and the file system as available repositories.
to keep it simple and just to do first testings i created a base file-system repo in a new project.
when accessing the repo in the project i just get the empty directory without any way to add a file to the repo or any other way to define users for this simple filesystem repo.

i think i´m blocked but i simply don´t get it why this simple setting just doesn´t work.

any help in understanding this would be appreciated.


Replies (3)

RE: Using repositories with redmine - Added by Bernhard Rohloff 5 months ago

Hi Martin,

maybe its important to clarify that the respository view in Redmine isn't meant to upload files. One can link existing files in issues and wiki pages but for the most part that's it. So if you have files already in this folder you can see it in the repository view. Same is true for the Subversion repos or any other version control system. In Redmine you have the possibility to browse and link the contents of the repository and its history, look at changes and link them to issues. But there's no possibility to modify the repository in Redmine directly.


RE: Using repositories with redmine - Added by Martin Neuß 5 months ago

Ah ok. Simple misunderstanding.

I was convinced that repositories were also meant to store relevant files directly from Redmine and supplying a convenient infrastructure that could be used by redmine.
So back to the normal document and fie system.

Thank you for your response.


RE: Using repositories with redmine - Added by Bernhard Rohloff 5 months ago

For this maybe the DMSF plugin is a better choice. It's really cool and definitely worth to check it out.
