


Better file manage plugin?

Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 14 years ago

Redmine provides a basic file managerment tool:


but I found it is too basic.

Would you please recommend a better file manage plugin for Redmine?

Replies (11)

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

"better" is too vague, you will have to be a little more specific. I have found though that most people that need more than what the "files" section in redmine offers are better off using a VCS, for example subversion.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 14 years ago

A VCS will not be good for non-technical persons.

File management under Redmine is "flat", which is not good enough.

Files module Redmine should allow us to make a folder, a sub-folder under it like what we do in Windows File Explorer.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Closest thing will be the Filesystem "Repository", with which you can map any directory accessible by redmine to the repository tab, you won't be able to write to it though, so you'd have to implement some flavor of webdav to make in "web-writable".

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 14 years ago

svn, tortoisesvn are not good for non-technical persons. They won't use them and what they need is something just a little "better" than the "flat management" :)

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

The Filesystem Repository is not subversion and can be mounted as a normal drive from windows. Read it up and try it out.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 14 years ago

Do you mean this patch?
Looks like what I am looking for.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

No, I mean the Filesystem SCM from the global settings.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Ok, I should have read the issue before answering: yes, that one, but it's been in core for a long time already.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 14 years ago

Any SCM mounted to Redmine is read-only which does not meet our requirement (see below).

With http://IP/projects/list_files/<ProjectName>, we can add (upload), remove, brower files.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

As I said, you'd have to implement some sort of WebDAV access to the directory, and that should be workable with the provided authentication and authorization plugin for apache. I know of nothing at the moment that implements a directory structure in the files module of redmine, and I especially know of nothing in redmine (or at least not in trunk) that would have an URI like http://IP/projects/list_files/<ProjectName>.

RE: Better file manage plugin? - Added by Piet-Hein Peeters about 11 years ago

Hung Nguyen Vu wrote:

File management under Redmine is "flat", which is not good enough.

Files module Redmine should allow us to make a folder, a sub-folder under it like what we do in Windows File Explorer.

We need exactly the same thing. Has there been any development on this lately?

