


how to publish this redmine installation on the internet

Added by Ali Ma'sum about 14 years ago

after i install the redmine 1.0.0 on the windows
i dont know what can i do for the publishing this installation on the internet
and can acces by people in the world

please give me any step by step to publish this redmine


Replies (3)

RE: how to publish this redmine installation on the internet - Added by Stephen Womack about 14 years ago

Not sure if i understand the question fully, but it sounds like you need to setup something like apache and passanger to serve the site up to the world. Is this what you are asking for help with?

RE: how to publish this redmine installation on the internet - Added by Ali Ma'sum about 14 years ago

may be yes, this is!
but i think, after i download from
and then install it to the computer, i can show that there is apache application
are that original apache from installation, not complete to publish redmine by self

and what do you mean abaout the passanger to serve the site up?

please help me abaout it, and i must understanding hard to it, because i am new be


RE: how to publish this redmine installation on the internet - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

In short: get a host/domainname (for example from DynDNS or something equivalent) and forward the correct port from your home router to the computer hosting redmine.

Long answer: absolutely not the scope of redmine (or even bitnami for that matter I think), there are other places around that should be able to help you better.
