


Comments in Wiki pages

Added by Rene S over 15 years ago

I would like to place comments in my wiki pages. The comment should not be rendered into html. They should just provide explanations to the editors and visual guide lines for editing.

Is there a way to "hide" data? Html comments do not seem to work.

Replies (7)

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Brad Beattie over 15 years ago

To answer your question, I went looking at Textile's website. By default, Textile allows arbitrary HTML between double equal signs, but that seems to have been disabled in Redmine1. Hrm...

Ooh! Played around with it some more and found that this works:

p{display: none}. I'm a hidden comment!


1 Footnotes still work though. Not sure if that solves your problem.

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Rene S over 15 years ago

Thanks Brad. I already noticed, that some of the original Textile has been disabled or tweaked. The hidden comment idea is nice, but I was looking for a more visual thing to place, such as

<!-- ******************** Another chapter here *********************** -->

Because long documents are difficult to edit, when no visual guidance is there. And of course, a clean idea would be more preferable :)

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Brad Beattie over 15 years ago

Can still do it.

p{display: none}. ******************************* Another chapter here *******************************

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Rene S over 15 years ago

I agree. Thanks

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

Its not working here! ..using 1.01 .. any ideas?

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Stefan H Singer over 13 years ago

For this, I use the wiki extensions plugin. Works a treat.

RE: Comments in Wiki pages - Added by Julius Friedrich about 9 years ago

I'm interested aswell.
