


Can project members get sent email when new tickets are raised?

Added by Jon Povey over 15 years ago

Is it possible to configure Redmine to email certain people (people who have a certain role on a project, say) when new issues are raised?

At the moment my understanding is that someone will get an email if they are specifically assigned to an issue, or if they have setup their account to watch that project (in which case they will get email for ALL activities).

What I'd like is to have a list of people who just get an email when new tickets are raised. I remember something like this in Bugtraq and expect there is some way to do it in Redmine that I haven't discovered yet.

Another thing that seems to be missing is the ability to see who is watching an issue and add other people as watchers (without logging in as them). If anyone knows how to do that or if it's a planned feature, I'd like to hear from you.



Replies (4)

RE: Can project members get sent email when new tickets are raised? - Added by Brad Beattie over 15 years ago

Email notifications for new tickets

The closest you're going to get is having each project member modify their Email notifications. Bear in mind that this isn't as fine grained as you'd like. They'll receive emails for everything on that project. The other solution would be to make use of the RSS feeds, as that would produce what you're looking for. Again, it's something each user would have to do themselves.


There are two permissions to look at: View watchers list and Add watchers.

RE: Can project members get sent email when new tickets are raised? - Added by Jon Povey over 15 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

We're running 0.7.3 so it looks like we don't get the watcher list features.

I don't know much about RSS feeds, but I don't think that is suitable. "You simply have to install and configure this extra software" is not an easy sell for me to the other grumbling developers.

I suppose we will stick with notifications for everything, for now. It would be nice to see this in a future version of Redmine, or at least I know what to look the next time I choose a bug tracker :)

RE: Can project members get sent email when new tickets are raised? - Added by Brad Beattie over 15 years ago

Jon Povey wrote:

I don't know much about RSS feeds, but I don't think that is suitable. "You simply have to install and configure this extra software" is not an easy sell for me to the other grumbling developers.

RSS is fairly common place for most developers. I can understand end-clients not knowing or wanting to learn, but I'd be willing to bet at least 90% of developers know how to use RSS.

RE: Can project members get sent email when new tickets are raised? - Added by Jon Povey over 15 years ago

Then you'd lose here. Nobody here including me uses RSS, I know very little about it.
