


Upgrade help

Added by Simon Teppett about 11 years ago

Hi - I have just started working with a company that is using a pretty old version (Redmine 0.7.3 (MySQL)) and I am trying to understand what steps we would need to go through to get to the current release version. I suspect that it may not be possible to do this is one go?

Many Thanks

Replies (1)

RE: Upgrade help - Added by Mischa The Evil about 11 years ago

Some steps that come up:

  • make backups (redmine file directory ánd database) of the current deployment!
  • take some time to read (some old versions of) the documentation about upgrades/migrations:
  • take the time to investigate the current deployment detailed and carefully
    • are there any notes which recorded the steps taken during the deployment of the old instance? If so, read them
    • how is the current instance deployed? Via scm export/checkout, a packaged release, Capistrano, etc...
    • what does the current stack looks like? OS, Ruby interpreter, Application server, Rails, Webserver, DB, etc.
    • are there any custom changes made to the deployed Redmine core?
    • how is the current instance configured? Think about incoming & outgoing email configuration (this is a bit difficult because email config locations have been changed over the years 0.7.x email config was in /config/environment.rb, it moved to a dedicated YAML file (/config/email.yml) in 0.8.x and finally moved again to a new general application configuration file (/config/configuration.yml) in 1.2.x), advanced repository integrations, cron jobs for rake tasks, etc.
    • are there any plugins/themes installed in the current stack? If yes, are these still required and or compatible? If no, can they be made compatible or dropped?
  • take the time to think about the new deployment
    • what will the new stack look like?
    • OS? Other dependencies? Old software still running is usually not running on newest OS'es which, if parts of the stack are updated, can/will lead to dependency issues while building up your new stack.
    • Decide whether you are going update your current system or start with a new clean system followed by a recovery (migration) of the config/extensions/data(both files and DB!) from the old system.
  • schedule some time for the whole upgrade/migration
  • start the migration
  • finish migration, fix any issues, etc.

Simon Teppett wrote:

I suspect that it may not be possible to do this is one go?

As you can see, such an upgrade is not that easy and most likely won't be achievable in one go. Not so much because of Redmine itself but more due to dependency issues.

