


Error sending e-mail - end of file reached

Added by Thiago Siqueira over 6 years ago


When I try to send an e-mail test, this message appears: There was an error sending the email (end of file reached)

My configuration.yml

  # Outgoing emails configuration (see examples above)
    delivery_method: :smtp
    address: "" 
    port: "465" 
    ssl: true
    tls: false
    domain: "****" 
    authentication: :login
    user_name: "xxxx@****" 
    password: "*******" 

What is wrong?

Replies (3)

RE: Error sending e-mail - end of file reached - Added by Mischa The Evil over 6 years ago

Please see thread Email Configuration Problems (Again) which deals with the same error message.

Furthermore, check out submissions and How to request help for some pointers on what information should be posted.

RE: Error sending e-mail - end of file reached - Added by Thiago Siqueira over 6 years ago

Before opening this topic, I looked for all the open topics on the topic, however, none of them helped me to solve the problem (including the Email Configuration Problems (Again) that indicated me).

In addition, this topic you indicated was open 8 years ago and the last answer was 5 years ago. I imagine that many releases have occurred on the Redmine during this period.

RE: Error sending e-mail - end of file reached - Added by iheb jebalia about 3 years ago

I came accros this issue. I was trying to send email using

When I switched to "" (don't forget the double quotes), it worked for me as expected. So it has something to do with the smtp server. So try another one, or try tuning up some configuration parameters in the smtp server if you are managing your own server.
