


how to hide the Status & % Done fields during issue creation.

Added by Swee Kiah Khor almost 6 years ago

All issue created supposedly is New status with 0 in % Done field.
hence, Status field & % Done field is meaningless during Issue creation phase.
Kindly advise how to hide the Status & % Done fields during issue creation.

After issue is created, then the issue will automatically set with New status & 0 in % Done field.
The personnel that working on the issue can change the status & % Done accordingly.

Replies (1)

RE: how to hide the Status & % Done fields during issue creation. - Added by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

You can hide "% Done" field when the issue status is "New" by setting the field "Read-only" on "Administration" > "Workflow" > "Fields permissions" page. Fields are not shown on create/edit screen if the fields are read-only.

You can also control the options in the "Status" drop-down by configuring status transitions for new issues on "Administration" > "Workflow" > "Status transitions" page.
