


Testing plugins in Redmine2.0

Added by Nitish Upreti over 12 years ago

I am having problem running tests for an old plugin of mine which I would like to refactor for Redmine2.0.
Running test manually gives me issues and the Redmine 'rake' tasks for plugin tests are missing in the new release. What should be my strategy to get the tests running?

Replies (6)

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Oleg Kandaurov over 12 years ago

I have the same problem. When I ran

rake test:plugins
nothing happens.

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Nitish Upreti over 12 years ago

Oleg Volossetski

You can see available rake tasks with 'rake -T', there are no such rake tasks present for testing plugins!

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Oleg Kandaurov over 12 years ago

rake test  # Runs test:units, test:functionals, test:integration together (also available: test:benchmark, test:profile, test:plugins)

Task test:plugins is available or am I wrong?.

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Nitish Upreti over 12 years ago

For tests, I could only see -->

rake test:coverage # Measures test coverage
rake test:rdm_routing # Run tests for rdm_routing / Run the routing tests
rake test:recent # Run tests for {:recent=>"test:prepare"} / Test recent changes
rake test:scm # Run unit and functional scm tests
rake test:scm:functionals # Run tests for {:functionals=>"db:test:prepare"} / Run the scm functional tests
rake test:scm:setup:all # Creates all test repositories
rake test:scm:setup:bazaar # Creates a test bazaar repository
rake test:scm:setup:create_dir # Creates directory for test repositories
rake test:scm:setup:cvs # Creates a test cvs repository
rake test:scm:setup:darcs # Creates a test darcs repository
rake test:scm:setup:filesystem # Creates a test filesystem repository
rake test:scm:setup:git # Creates a test git repository
rake test:scm:setup:mercurial # Creates a test mercurial repository
rake test:scm:setup:subversion # Creates a test subversion repository
rake test:scm:units # Run tests for {:units=>"db:test:prepare"} / Run the scm unit tests
rake test:scm:update # Updates installed test repositories
rake test:single # Run tests for {:single=>"test:prepare"}
rake test:uncommitted

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Oleg Kandaurov over 12 years ago

Look at my previous post. Task test:plugins presents in the output on the right side. Maybe it does not work...
I just want to run test via rake task, not via IDE.

RE: Testing plugins in Redmine2.0 - Added by Oleg Kandaurov over 12 years ago

Tasks for plugin testing has been added in r9738
