


Storing Attachments in Dropbox

Added by Alex Bevilacqua about 12 years ago

Howdy all.

I've just published a new plugin for using Dropbox as the storage backend for your Redmine installation (

Enjoy :)


Replies (2)

RE: Storing Attachments in Dropbox - Added by Zube Zahn almost 12 years ago

Hi Alex,

thanx for your nice work!

I have some small issues with using the plugins and I don't know how to fix them. The worst ist, however, that I cannot delete documents from redmine since I installed the plugin. The webapp tells there is an internal error and the log says:

Started DELETE "/redmine/attachments/190" for at Tue Dec 04 19:14:53 +0100 2012
Processing by AttachmentsController#destroy as HTML
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"dsdEMSCpKq+94RnXtot+R0DvdKJ29eSYw8YjyKApwvA=", "id"=>"190"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 733ms

NoMethodError (undefined method `<=>' for :root:Symbol):
app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb:90:in `destroy'

Can you please help?

RE: Storing Attachments in Dropbox - Added by Alex Bevilacqua almost 12 years ago

Please report issues to I don't think the redmine boards get nearly as many views ;)

Also please provide the version of redmine you're using
