

Andrew Porokhin

  • Login: 4ndrew
  • Registered on: 2009-06-29
  • Last connection: 2010-04-13


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22:06 Redmine Open discussion: RE: I've created new issue status, but I can't see it in workflow editor (I read FAQ).
Oh, my god... Seems I miss that flag.. Sorry for that stupid question... :) Andrew Porokhin
21:53 Redmine Open discussion: RE: I've created new issue status, but I can't see it in workflow editor (I read FAQ).
Ops, I forgot one thing.
I'm running Redmine 0.9.3.devel.3625 (PostgreSQL)
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [...
Andrew Porokhin
21:50 Redmine Open discussion: I've created new issue status, but I can't see it in workflow editor (I read FAQ).
Hi, everybody!
So, I've created new issue status: "Reopened".
Then I've tried to edit workflow, ...
Andrew Porokhin


18:31 Redmine Help: RE: Sharing issues across projects and sub-projects
You should enable "Allow cross-project issue relations" in administration panel (Administration -> Settings ->...
Andrew Porokhin

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