


Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect

Added by Alexandre Jobin almost 15 years ago

hi everyone,

here at my job, the analysts use Enterprise Architect for documentation and UML modeling. They also use it for bug tracking and other stuff.

i try to tell them that the technical bugs should be put in a product like Redmine because to have bug attached to code versioning with svn and that we can ask clients to publish their bugs directly to the website against Enteprise Architect were they can't.

Their opinions are that they really like Redmine and they would like to use it bug theres some points that they dont like and cause problems.

1) redmine can't run with Oracle database. It could be a problem because they have to do maintenance on another database
2) we will have to duplicate the some informations with the two systems. They want Enterprise Architect to be the root of every projects. So we will have to create the same project in Redmine and duplicate the authorization and stuff like that.

i dont really know Enterprise Architect so its difficult to me to have good arguments and try to sell the fact that the two systems complete each other... in my opinion.

In my opinion and with what i know of Enterprise Architect, i think the root of each projects should be Redmine since we have the bug trackers, wiki, files, etc... Enterprise Architect is there for documentation and uml modeling and we can attach it with svn for versionning.

so now i need your help. What people think about that? is there anybody who use Enterprise Architect with Redmine? or maybe im totally wrong with my opinions and i misunderstand the real objective of Enterprise Architect?

i need your feedback!


Replies (5)

RE: Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect - Added by Yves Senn over 14 years ago

Hey there,

I can't make a statement regarding Redmine and Enterprise Architect but I can tell you, that it is possible to run Redmine with Oracle. We are currently running the 0.9-stable branch and some oracle specific modifications. It works generally pretty good. Sometimes we have to fix a query but it works stable.


RE: Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect - Added by Alexandre Jobin over 14 years ago

hi Yves,

this is something we have talked about but finally, we dont want to patch anything. Maybe we can put the 0.9 on Oracle but what will happen with the 1.0 release? we will probably have to patch it again and again...

so we dont want to do any maintenance on this product.

but good news, well sort of, everyone here is coming back from their holydays vacacions and we have reopened the discussion about using Redmine. They are using it for evaluation now. Its a step foward! :)


RE: Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect - Added by Yves Senn over 14 years ago

If there is someone in your team, who can do some Ruby, then it is no problem to make the fixes to get it working with Oracle. Just create a new branch in the git repository and you will be able to merge those changes into the 1.0 branch. We had no problems updating from the 0.8-stable to 0.9 stable.

RE: Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect - Added by Ildefonso Montero Pérez over 14 years ago

Hi Alex, in my company we have explored the feasability of the integration between Redmine and Enterprise Architect, take a look on: (only in Spanish, comming soon the English translation)

Basically it is an open source project where we have developed a Redmine plugin that process an .eap file from Enterprise Architect by means of using its API. It is in beta-phase and its functionalities are: (i) to show in a wiki-format the specification of the Enterprise Architect file; and (ii) to analise this specification (only if it is complete or not).

Hope it helps!

RE: Help me concince my boss to use Redmine with the already used Enterprise Architect - Added by Alexandre Jobin over 14 years ago

Yves, nobody here know Ruby. I know we can do some work to be able to connect with Oracle but we dont want to make any maintenance of the code for each version of Redmine. We dont have time to play with that. But good news, we are now using Redmine (mysql) for a project and if everyone is happy, we will use it for other projects too.

Ildefonso, thank you for the link. Presently, im not sure that we will need this but its good to know that there is something we can use if we want to go further. And maybe i will more understand when you will have the documentation en english :)

