


Category depended custom fields

Added by Iming Chan about 14 years ago

Dear all,

We are currently using Redmine to monitor and track various projects and issues reported. As projects and issues can include computer hardware faults, software application bugs and local network problems, the type of information required to be recorded vary.

I am wondering whether it is possible to setup custom fields based on category. So, when we selected a category (for example, computer hardware fault), "Equipment Serial Number", "Equipment Asset Number" fields appear on the data entry screen. Whereas when we selected Software application bug cateogyr (as an example), different custom fields (i.e. Software name, Module, Version, etc.) will appear?

Your comment on this is much appreciated.

Kind regards,


Replies (4)

RE: Category depended custom fields - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Using different categories is the wrong tool for that, you will want to use different trackers, for which you can then define different workflows (could be of interest to you) and especially attach issue custom fields to only the trackers you need.

RE: Category depended custom fields - Added by David Le Dieu about 14 years ago

Elegant solution Felix.

I'm assuming it's not possible to go deeper into hierarchy than:

-> Custom Field

Ideally I need something like:

-> Custom Field
-> Custom Field
-> Custom Field etc etc

Any thoughts?

RE: Category depended custom fields - Added by David Le Dieu about 14 years ago

Sorry didn't get my formatting right.

     -> Custom Field
          -> Custom Field
               -> Custom Field

is more or less what I am after.

RE: Category depended custom fields - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Not possible currently, the closest thing you could do to have a "hierarchical" custom field is:

Topic 1
T1 - Subtopic 1
T1 - Subtopic 2
Topic 2
Topic 3
T3 - Subtopic 1