


Reposirtory subset

Added by Jesper Jonsson over 16 years ago

Is it possible to use a subset of a subversion repository in redmine? Ie. I have a repository with two directories /ProjectA and /ProjectB, the content of first direktory, /ProjectA, should only be visible to Projekct A in redmine.

Replies (3)

RE: Reposirtory subset - Added by Mischa The Evil over 16 years ago

This is possible quite easily.

Just specify the specific repository url (http://your.svn.repo/projectX) in the projects repository settings in URL.

So for project A use URL like: http://your.svn.repo/projectA and for project B use URL like: http://your.svn.repo/projectB.

RE: Reposirtory subset - Added by Jesper Jonsson over 16 years ago

Ok, I was using file:/// before and changing it to file:///path-to-repo/projectA displays an error when i try to access the repository: "The entry or revision was not found in the repository."

So I tested with https:// and I tested with just the base address to the repo and a subset but both gave me the same error as above. Where can I find more information about the error?

RE: Reposirtory subset - Added by Jesper Jonsson over 16 years ago

I had a typo in the subset path so using the file:/// protocol now works. But when I test with http or https I still get same the error as above. I know that the url works since i copy & paste it from the browser. In my production.log I see the following message:

No close tag for /lists/list
Last 80 unconsumed characters:
Output was:

Rendering template within layouts/base
Completed in 0.20662 (4 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.03011 (14%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 500 Internal Server Error []

If I execute the following command (which redmine is also doing?):
svn list --xml "" --username jesper --password XXXX

I get this output:


Any conclusions why I cannot use the http protocol with redmine?
