


Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc)

Added by Jon Lumpkin about 12 years ago

We are currently hosting Redmine on a Windows machine, and having not only constant crashes, but slow performance too (we use the Bitnami setup, which has a known issue right now with EventMachine and thin).

We plan on moving to a linux install instead, with a machine dedicated w/ 2 cores and 4GB of RAM.

I was curious though, what are some optimal setups? For example, can any information be shared about what actually uses setup wise?

I am very impressed by the speed on, and would like to get something close to that on our setup.

Replies (12)

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Stratos Zolotas about 12 years ago

We are using a VPS with 6 cores and 2GB RAM, that hosts also others services. It is running on Debian 6 and it has a nice performance. We have some overhead also, because we are running on https only with apache passenger.

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

I'm running a VM with 2 cores and 2GB of memory, also installed: Rhodecode, ReviewBoard.

Also running HTTPS only with Apache Passenger, never had really any issues, consists of about 13 users right now.

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Arthur Turrini about 12 years ago

We're running here 6 distinct redmine on the same server. ~300 users, PostgreSQL 9.1, Debian 6 Wheezy Linux 3.2, Old Supermicro Quad-Core Xeon, 8gb RAM and 4-disk SCSI. Apache2 with proxy-reverse to Ruby/Redmine running on ports from 3001 to 3006.

Database size (total): ~480mb uncompressed.
Performance: blazing-fast.

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Jon Lumpkin about 12 years ago

Thanks everyone. What version of Ruby? Is there a big difference between 1.8 and 1.9?

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Jon Lumpkin wrote:

Thanks everyone. What version of Ruby? Is there a big difference between 1.8 and 1.9?

root@roush-server:/tank/system/redmine_dev# ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-linux]

1.9 has a lot of performance benefits IIRC.

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Stratos Zolotas about 12 years ago

We are using the standard Debian 6 version

ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [x86_64-linux]

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Jon Lumpkin about 12 years ago

Arthur Turrini wrote:

We're running here 6 distinct redmine on the same server. ~300 users, PostgreSQL 9.1, Debian 6 Wheezy Linux 3.2, Old Supermicro Quad-Core Xeon, 8gb RAM and 4-disk SCSI. Apache2 with proxy-reverse to Ruby/Redmine running on ports from 3001 to 3006.

Database size (total): ~480mb uncompressed.
Performance: blazing-fast.

With blazing fast - are you seeing speeds like 600ms for issues list (made a new discussion here, or faster?

Set this up using ruby 1.9.2, redmine 2.0.3, passenger, mysql, apache

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Arthur Turrini about 12 years ago

Yes, it is blazing fast. My average is 78ms for issues list.

ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
Redmine 2.0.2.stable

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Jon Lumpkin about 12 years ago

Wow, do you know if that is from the 1.9.3 of ruby, Postgres, or what?

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Hung Nguyen Vu about 12 years ago

Jon Lumpkin wrote:

We are currently hosting Redmine on a Windows machine, and having not only constant crashes, but slow performance too (we use the Bitnami setup, which has a known issue right now with EventMachine and thin).

-1 Bitnami

We plan on moving to a linux install instead, with a machine dedicated w/ 2 cores and 4GB of RAM.

That is enough.

I was curious though, what are some optimal setups? For example, can any information be shared about what actually uses setup wise?

I don't need any optimization technique because my data is quite small.

However, if you need to, I think speeding up mysql (database) lookup time would be the most important task.

- Issue listing time:
Completed 200 OK in 291ms (Views: 170-250ms | ActiveRecord: 8.5ms)
- 1000 issues over 9 projects, 20 users in total
- CentOS 6.3
- VM, 4GB RAM, Xeon 3.6Ghz x2 on an IBM Blade :)
- Redmine 2.0.3
- Ruby 1.9.3
- MySQL 5.1.61, Mysql2 (driver)
- Running mode: ruby script/rails server webrick -e production :)

RE: Optimal setup for Redmine on Linux (machine specs, etc) - Added by Jon Lumpkin about 12 years ago

We were in the process of moving away from Bitnami when posting this, and have been on a RHEL 6 machine for a week or two now. Still slow. And mysql is very fast on this machine. More information here -

Our setup is similar to yours hardware wise, but 7000 issues, 300-400 projects, and about 115 users.
